Like gender and animation, the term language is also not straightforward to define or even discuss. Most humans speak, hear, read or write language every day of their lives (even before birth in the case of hearing), so it is not an exaggeration to say that, once we leave early childhood, we are experts at using language. It … Continue reading The basics: What is language?
Tag: Shrek
The basics: What is “gender”?
Gender is another term that is widely used and discussed by laypeople and scholars alike. This post will give a brief overview of the concept, and some definitions and examples, which should be a useful starting point for research in this area. In common usage, gender and sex are sometimes used interchangeably. But neither of these terms … Continue reading The basics: What is “gender”?
González Vera (2012) The translation of linguistic stereotypes in animated films
Investigates the Spanish and English translations of Dreamworks’ animated films Shrek and Shark Tale, examining the ways in which the Spanish translation of the films further enforces or rejects stereotypical gendered language, when compared to the original English version. Qualitative analysis focusing on chosen salient examples from the script with an in-depth critical linguistic analysis. … Continue reading González Vera (2012) The translation of linguistic stereotypes in animated films
Unger and Sunderland (2007) Gendered discourses in a contemporary animated film
Examines gendered discourses and stereotypes in the animated feature film Shrek. An overview is given of the various gendered discourses identified, and salient extracts are analysed in detail with respect to both visual and linguistic elements. This paper will be useful if you are interested in discourses around gender and the subversion of gender stereotypes, … Continue reading Unger and Sunderland (2007) Gendered discourses in a contemporary animated film
Zurru (2010) Breaking the Crystal Shoe
Conducts a multimodal stylistic analysis of the ‘Shrek’ saga’s portrayal of the character of Cinderella. Incorporates some linguistic analyses of multiple extracts across the first three ‘Shrek’ films, focusing specifically on the subversion and ‘exploitation’ of gendered stereotypes created in the original Disney film. This paper would be useful for those interested in a more … Continue reading Zurru (2010) Breaking the Crystal Shoe