Applies transgender theory to animation as a medium. Focuses mostly on character design, and the gendering of non-human characters but also contains a chapter on the impact of voice on gender representation which may be useful for those interested voice tone, pitch etc. in animated characters. Stecher, D. (2023). Animating Gender: A Medium Drawn to … Continue reading Stecher (2023) Animating Gender: A Medium Drawn to Transness
Tag: constructions of masculinity
Wooden and Gillam (2014) Pixar’s boy stories
Explores the masculinities presented in Pixar films, including Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Up and Monsters Inc. Considers the factors that shape male characters in contemporary children’s animation, such as postfeminism, consumerism and competition. There is a focus on the representation of boyhood, in both protagonists and villains. This book would be useful for those interested … Continue reading Wooden and Gillam (2014) Pixar’s boy stories