Examines the presentation of female agency in two characters (Toph and Azula) in the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender, looking particularly at multimodal features. Mostly qualitative analysis incorporating both visual and linguistic features through a critical stance. Linguistically, specific vocabulary and politeness strategies were analysed and evidenced with script excerpts. This thesis would be … Continue reading Halttunen (2022) “She’s the greatest earthbender I’ve ever seen!”
Category: Thesis or dissertation
Hedenmalm (2012) Language and gender in Disney
Examines the linguistic features used by male and female characters in four different Disney animated films. Looks at stereotypical male and female language and examines single-sex and cross-sex interactions. Includes both quantitative and qualitative detailed linguistic analysis. This study would be useful for those interested in the ways in which male and female animated Disney … Continue reading Hedenmalm (2012) Language and gender in Disney
Herendeen (2023) Being non-binary on Japanese Disney Channel: An analysis of the gendered language used in ‘The Owl House’
Examines the English dialogue of a non-binary character from Disney's ‘The Owl House’ in comparison to the show’s Japanese dub, analysing what linguistic features are used to index their identity. There is an extensive overview of Japanese attitudes towards queerness. The thesis goes into detail about gendered language features in Japanese - such as pronouns, … Continue reading Herendeen (2023) Being non-binary on Japanese Disney Channel: An analysis of the gendered language used in ‘The Owl House’
Karlsson (2018) Language and gender in animated cartoons
Investigates the differences in language use between male and female characters in two animated cartoons. The cartoons have largely single-gendered target audiences and characters. Mostly quantitative analysis directly comparing male and female characters’ talkativeness, questions and interruptions. This paper would be useful for those interested in gender differences in language use in children’s animated cartoons … Continue reading Karlsson (2018) Language and gender in animated cartoons
Karlsson Nordqvist (2013) Gender roles via hedging in children’s films
Examines the frequency of hedges in male and female characters’ speech in six Disney animated films from 1989 to 2010 to see if they are relevant in enforcing hegemonic gender roles. Data is mostly quantitative and doesn’t discuss linguistic devices in context. Examines hedges as softening devices, attention-getting devices and hedges as filler items/ items … Continue reading Karlsson Nordqvist (2013) Gender roles via hedging in children’s films
Kirjavainen (2013) Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the bluntest of them all?
Examines differences in female language use of the protagonists in ten Disney princess films from 1937-2010. Considers how their use of language has changed over time. Mostly detailed quantitative analysis of linguistic features, presented in diagrams and figures. Some contextual examples are given. Useful for those interested in how female protagonists’ language use has shifted … Continue reading Kirjavainen (2013) Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the bluntest of them all?
Lestari (2020) The representation of feminism in The Incredibles 2
Examines both linguistic and visual features present in The Incredibles 2 and the ways in which they present the female protagonist, Elastigirl/ Helen Parr. Largely qualitative analysis. Detailed visual and linguistic examples can be found in the appendices, but are not incorporated into discussion. This thesis would be useful for those interested in how the … Continue reading Lestari (2020) The representation of feminism in The Incredibles 2
McKee (2020) Make(over)
Explores concepts surrounding gender presentation, particularly a characters’ transformation towards hegemonic masculinity, in three animated Disney films. Discusses which masculine roles and bodies are considered ‘ideal’ in Disney’s animation. Mostly qualitative approach using rhetorical criticism. Little detailed linguistic analysis but salient scenes from films are discussed critically in terms of visual, aural and kinesic features … Continue reading McKee (2020) Make(over)