Raymond (2013) Gender and sexuality in animated television sitcom interaction

Analyses 8 conversations from two animated sitcoms - Family Guy and American Dad - to explore the doing and undoing of gender roles in the genre. Focuses on scripted television discourse and conversation analysis, identifying situations where characters either uphold or break the norm. Also offers a history of the American animated sitcom genre. This … Continue reading Raymond (2013) Gender and sexuality in animated television sitcom interaction

Shehatta (2020) Breaking stereotypes

Covers the presentation of the protagonist, Princess Merida, in the Disney/Pixar film Brave. A multimodal approach was taken by the researcher, using both visual and linguistic analysis (looking at politeness strategies and face-threatening acts in particular). This article will be useful if you are interested in how femininity relates to politeness in animated films, particularly … Continue reading Shehatta (2020) Breaking stereotypes

Sheikh (2017) Stereotypical gender representations in Chhota Bheem

Explores stereotypical gender representations in both male and female characters in children’s animation Chhota Bheem. Looks at gender ratios of characters, physical characteristics and language of selected dialogues. Largely qualitative analysis, with a focus on the linguistics of chosen dialogues from the programme and how they reflect hegemonic gender stereotypes through critical discussion. This paper … Continue reading Sheikh (2017) Stereotypical gender representations in Chhota Bheem

Sliepushova (2020) Father-child discourse in Family Guy

Examines the differences in language use in father-son/daughter discourses in the animated series Family Guy. Applies a corpus-based analysis of the series’ scripts from seven episodes from 1998-2005, focusing on a direct and detailed linguistic comparison between the father’s predominant language use directed towards his son contrasted with his daughter. This paper would be useful … Continue reading Sliepushova (2020) Father-child discourse in Family Guy

Taşkin, H ve Inanç. (2023) Reflections of the Female Identity Constructions in Animation Movies: An Analysis on Disney and Hayao Miyazaki Movies

Looks at the semiotics and visual representations of women in a range of Hayao Miyazaki and Disney films between 1984 to 2022. Detailed discussion on socially constructed gender roles and how they are reflected in the animated films of those times. The article focuses on visual framing of animated women, paying attention to body types, … Continue reading Taşkin, H ve Inanç. (2023) Reflections of the Female Identity Constructions in Animation Movies: An Analysis on Disney and Hayao Miyazaki Movies

Thompson and Zerbinos (1995) Gender roles in animated cartoons

Examines male and female characters over 175 episodes of 41 different animated cartoons from the 1990’s to assess for their association with stereotypical gender roles and how they compare to previous studies on cartoons from the 1970’s. Only quantitative analysis with no examination of specific linguistic features in context, however good for a general overview … Continue reading Thompson and Zerbinos (1995) Gender roles in animated cartoons

Zulkifli & Haris (2021) Brave (2012) vs Puteri (2014): The Representation of Androgyny Characters

Explores the breaking of feminine performance by princesses in both Brave (2012) and Malaysian TV show “Puteri”(2014). Contains textual analysis of the representation of androgyny, with focus on the lexis associated with femininity, masculinity and neutrality in the animations but also more broadly within south-east Asian societies. Focuses on personality characteristics, norms and social desirability … Continue reading Zulkifli & Haris (2021) Brave (2012) vs Puteri (2014): The Representation of Androgyny Characters

Zurru (2010) Breaking the Crystal Shoe

Conducts a multimodal stylistic analysis of the ‘Shrek’ saga’s portrayal of the character of Cinderella. Incorporates some linguistic analyses of multiple extracts across the first three ‘Shrek’ films, focusing specifically on the subversion and ‘exploitation’ of gendered stereotypes created in the original Disney film. This paper would be useful for those interested in a more … Continue reading Zurru (2010) Breaking the Crystal Shoe