Dr Kirsty Dunn

Dr Kirsty Dunn

Dr Kirsty Dunn is a Lecturer in Developmental Psychology at Lancaster University. She arrived at Lancaster in 2009 on a 1+ 3 ESRC studentship to investigate measures of infant understanding of the physical world principals surrounding objects, e.g. that they continue to exist when out of sight. Since then, Kirsty has been exploring the ways in which fetal and neonatal perceptual and cognitive development can be measured. For this, she uses ultrasound and fetal heart rate to measure responses to sounds and shapes of light in the womb. Kirsty is particularly interested in questioning what these measures can really tell us about psychological development in the early years. Further, she’s often focussed on finding new measures or new ways to use existing measures to answer, previously unanswerable, questions.

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