Join the Future of Human Reproduction team for a series of research showcase webinars about their interdisciplinary work aimed at informing and opening up conversations about advances in reproductive technology.
The Reproduction and Speculative Futures Conference, organised by our Visiting Collaborator Dr Anna McFarlane, took place over two days in October 2024, with the first held at Lancaster University and the second day conducted online. Further details including a full conference report are available.
Literature and the Future of Human Reproduction is an online symposium, taking place on Friday 20th September, that will explore the implications of new reproductive technologies in relation to various contemporary literary works. Register for your place now!
At the end of June 2024, members of The Future of Human Reproduction team travelled to Brescia in Italy to present at the 22nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Communication, Medicine and Ethics (COMET).
In April 2024, members of The Future of Human Reproduction team travelled to Birmingham to present research at the International Conference of Three Societies on Literature and Science.
The Future of Human Reproduction team exhibited at this year’s ESRC Festival of Social Science at Lancaster University on Thursday 26th October. We delivered a series of activities that explored how technological developments might change the way in which future children are created and born.
Scientific advances in in vitro gametogenesis (IVG) raise a number of ethical, regulatory and policy issues. These issues were the focus of an IVG Policy Briefing Workshop, jointly delivered by The Future of Human Reproduction Team and the Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
In November 2022, The Future of Human Reproduction programme held the first in a series of scoping workshops on disruptive reproductive technologies. ‘Envisaging Reproductive Futures: Extra Corporeal Gestation (ExCG)’, aimed to facilitate in depth discussion and interdisciplinary collaboration between academics with an interest in ExCG.