Rhythms in the overheating city

An energy-rhythm vignette written when travelling through London and on to Paris on the 18th July 2022, when the most extreme heatwave ever seen in the UK and France was taking place. All those rhythms of fossil-fuelled empires, all those beats of switching on and powering up, have pushed this City’s thermal polyrhythmia into overload. …

NOW PUBLISHED (and a discount code)

After much thinking, writing, rewriting and then waiting … the book is now out! Published for the moment in hardback and as an ebook. Paperback publication was intended but pandemic-affected market conditions changed the publisher’s plans and that will now happen at a later stage.  If ordered through the Rowman and Littlefield website a discount…

Book Publication in April 2021

The book is due to be published by Rowman and Littlefield in mid-late April 2021. Writing was completed in May 2020 but the virus intervened (as it has done in so many things) meaning that the process from then on was slowed down. I chose not to rewrite anything in the book because of the…