Kyriaki Koukouraki on Intercultural competence and the future of work

On 21 November 2023, CULCOM hosted a talk by Kyriaki Koukouraki on ‘Intercultural competence and the future of work’.

In an environment that on the one hand is increasingly globalising and becoming more and more interconnected and on the other hand also becoming increasingly fragmented and polarised, intercultural competencies are a major asset for future generations which want to thrive in a global environment within and outside their workplace. This presentation aims at describing what intercultural competencies, i.e. skills, attitudes and knowledge are and how developing those can foster transformative change towards an inclusive, equitable and ultimately more positive workplace culture.

Kyriaki is Lecturer in EAP & Cultural Competency Education at King’s College London. Currently, she is researching the impact, but also the interference of cultural aspects in languages and subsequently language teaching and learning as well as studying the required intercultural competencies for HE professionals and students. She is also a member of The World Council on Intercultural and Global Competence.

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