Lent & Summer Term 2017/18

Condensed Matter Theory Group Meetings: Lent and Summer 17/18

This term will see the return of a series of Dice Seminars – on “Topological Insulators”. The meetings occur on Fridays, from 10:00am to 11:00am.

Dice Seminars:
Sometimes we run Dice Seminars, which occur over the course of 5 weeks or so, and consist of us collaboratively learning about a given topic, by reading a paper or paper section, and rolling a dice to determine who will talk about what they’ve read. The previous topic was “Weyl Semimetals”.

Other Meetings:
​There are ~weekly condensed matter seminars at 3pm on Fridays, which will be interesting for anyone attending our group meetings.  These are advertised internally.

Mailing List:
If you would like to be added to the mailing list for these meetings, please contact Ryan or Marcin.

Lent Term (& Summer Term!)
Dice Seminar Meeting: Topological Insulators