Art Beats Festival 24

Thank You For Your Service (Dawid Stasiak)

12min 2s – 16:9


An intrusive and aggressive interview approach from a documentary director towards a fresh war veteran, result in a PTSD episode which progressively gets worse.

Artist Statement

Thank You For Your Service was inspired by the objectified and fantasised treatment of war veterans within modern media. It was produced as part of a practical dissertation project examining special and practical effects in war films. The exploration of war veteran’s true emotions and feelings was a core focus within the film, which highlights the irony of contemporary interviews and questions that follow a typical targeted and leading question approach. Furthermore, we intended to address men’s mental health, questioning toxic and chauvinistic depictions of characters as well as those who’s true feelings are hidden inside.

Dawid Stasiak

My name is Dawid Stasiak and whilst I am typically a video editor, this is my full directorial debut and I hope it is the first of many.