The film documents a house, its use, abuse, and ultimate decay under the domination of nature. The filmscomes to highlight that human intervention is only temporary, while the natural plane is constant, consistent and determined. The film works as an audio-visual experience which focuses on total immersion – headphones are recommended.
Artist Statement
Many eco-visions focus on the how humans are impacted, and while these are vital and important, we felt that presenting environmental and societal collapse through the eyes of a home allows for a new and unseen version of the future. By taking what most consider to be our safe spaces and tainting it with decay and destruction, it provides an alternate framework for experience.
This film was created by Gregory McCool and Maya Meadows. Both are MA Fine Art students whose typical practice sits in the realm of traditional oil painting. However, in their module Environmental Crises and Societal Change, they pushed themselves to create a film which blends aspects of miniatures, stop motion and experimental film.