Art Beats Festival 24

The Pursuit of Happiness (Mohammad Ghorbankarimi)

50 x 50 cm at 300 – FujiFilm X-T1, XF 23mm F1.4 

50 x 33 cm at 300 – FujiFilm X-T1, XF 23mm F1.4

Artist Statement

These photographs were captured during my journeys across Iran and Indonesia while scouting locations for my feature films, The Desert Fish (Iran, 2012) and Journey (Indonesia, 2015). Each image is a portrait of young children from impoverished regions, whose faces reveal a delicate balance between hardship and hope.

In these moments, I sought to document not just their present circumstances, but the glimmers of happiness and the unspoken dreams that illuminate their eyes. These children, despite their challenging environments, radiate a resilience that inspires me as both a filmmaker and a visual artist. Their expressions, filled with untold stories, serve as a poignant reminder that even in the most difficult situations, there is an enduring light—a hope for a future yet to be written.

Through this series, I aim to share their silent narratives, inviting viewers to witness the beauty and strength of the human spirit in its most vulnerable form.

Mohammad Ghorbankarimi

Canadian-Iranian filmmaker and VFX expert. His cinematic adventures span globally, from his celebrated Iranian feature, “The Desert Fish,” to Australia for his major production “Journey,” and finally to Toronto and Hollywood, where his VFX work enhanced blockbusters like “Stranger Things,” “Suicide Squad” and “John Wick.” Through his VFX studio, WeFX, he continues to push the boundaries of visual storytelling, while his personal narrative finds expression in his evocative photography.