Curiosity Battery development project starts!

We are off to a great start of the 5- year project to develop a new battery of measures of curiosity for school children! The project is run by Marina as PI and Dr Lily FitzGibbon of Stirling University as Co-I, with Dr Mathilde Prenevost leading the work as a postdoctoral researcher.

This project is funded by the Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant and it aims to synthesize the theoretical and methodological approaches to curiosity in childhood and use this integrative perspective to systematically address the paucity and heterogeneity of psychological measurements of curiosity in school age (7-11 year old) children. The resulting validated multidimensional assessment battery will be made available for use by researchers and educators. Longitudinal studies will be undertaken to investigate the relationship between different facets of curiosity with children’s academic achievement and psychological well-being outcomes.

The aims and aspirations of the project are summarised in this news article.