Welcome to A Lifetime of Voices!

Hello, welcome to our project website for A Lifetime of Voices.


Our project aims to discover how our voices change across the lifespan, but we need your help. If you are aged 16-35 years old or are over 65 years old, and from either Lancaster or Morecambe we would love to hear from you.


What will you be asked to do?

As part of our project we will ask for approximately 90 minutes of your time to take part in some audio recordings, and three fun tasks testing your cognitive control, motor control, and working memory. You will also be asked to answer a questionnaire about yourself.

As a thank you, you can choose between a £15 Amazon or Supermarket voucher.

If you would like to take part, please click on the link below to fill out our engagement form, or email: s.parkman@lancaster.ac.uk if you have any other questions.


If you would like to know more, please read our participation and ethics forms below:

Participant Information Sheet

Consent Form