Digital Ambassador

I am currently working as a Digital Ambassador for the eLearning team at ISS, which involves assisting staff and students on anything and everything Moodle related. It has been an excellent experience so far to work for the University and gain knowledge in the field that I want to specialise in after my studies. Searching for job vacancies using the ERS candidate portal was quick and easy; completing my profile only took a short amount of time; as I was able to painlessly upload my CV and other supporting documents.

Managing my job and studies can sometimes become difficult, especially around coursework deadlines or when other personal responsibilities arise. However, the working hours are very flexible and suit me perfectly as I am able to work flexibly around my lectures and workshops. As I am a first year and live on campus this means that never have to go off of campus for any important commitments!

UK Student Recruitment and Outreach – Tour Guide

I’ve been working as a Lancaster University Student Ambassador through ERS since October. After a straightforward application and subsequent face-to-face interview, I can count myself amongst the group of hard-working individuals that have been chosen to represent the university across a range of different roles. My role as a Student Ambassador involves multiple responsibilities: giving campus tours to large groups of prospective students, parents and visiting high schools and colleges; providing assistance to the university at events and conferences; representing the university at fairs and schools across the country; as well as the occasional odd task, such as posing for prospectus photos.

Through my work as Student Ambassador so far, I have had several opportunities to engage with my peers and develop my employability skills, as well as establish an even deeper connection to my university. One of the benefits of working through ERS is that the working hours are extremely flexible. You are not assigned work but rather you are given the option of working and, if you’re free, you can choose to work. I always make sure that my work doesn’t interfere with my course-work but there really isn’t a conflict, it’s a great way to earn some extra money while you’re at university!

Catering Assistant

My name is Alessia Amaru and I work as Catering Assistant at County RE-Fuel. I am responsible for serving and displaying food, dealing with customers’ requirements, stocking and checking products as well as managing the till. I have received positive feedback from clients after ensuring fast service during rush hours of the day, making sure we avoid long queues and any complaints.

Good time management and organisation skills helped me find a balance between my studies and job.  I work a fair amount of hours a week whilst pursuing a degree in Law. I believe my job has helped me develop important skills – from teamwork and communication to client care and attention to detail.  This aids my professional development and shows I am reliable and flexible. The Employment and Recruitment Service at Lancaster University is helpful and the application process is easily accessible, clear and straightforward, providing students with information and facilities to find part-time jobs whilst still in University.

External Placement

The job I got was Web Application Programmer at RCU Ltd, a consultancy and research firm for the further education sector based in Preston. I alternate between working full Thursdays and Fridays one week and full Thursdays and half Wednesdays and Fridays on the other, which suits my timetable. The application process was simple; I got an email about the job opening, sent my CV and a covering letter through the ERS website and waited. Jen (from ERS) had a talk to make sure I was right for it and sent off my CV, and after an interview at the company I was told I had the job. Painless.

As far as balancing it with my studies goes, I don’t know how well it would’ve been possible before Moodle, but as my lecturers put all their lecture notes (and most of them put videos of the lectures) up on it, and my lab sessions have all the work up on there, it works out very nicely.  I can go over the material at times that suit me. I think the job will help me career-wise, as it’ll give me more programming work to add to my portfolio, potential contacts for future opportunities and show that I can balance work and university commitments and (hopefully) do well in both.

Student Ambassador

Whilst being at Lancaster I obtained a job as a Student Ambassador as well as a Departmental Representative.  As a student ambassador it has been my job to conduct campus tours, work on behalf of my department and represent the university on Open Days – for example I was an accommodation guide for the last Open Day. I showed potential and current applicants around our accommodation and gave them any information that they required.

As the Departmental Rep it has been my job to attend student-staff meetings and other events for the Management School.  The nature of the role is to act on behalf of the student body and feed back their thoughts, needs and wants to the Department and Management School.

The application process was really simply in both cases.  For the Student Ambassador role I saw the advertisement for it and went along to the training – it’s that simple!  For the Departmental Role, I started off being a module representative when asked by a lecturer.  I continued as a module rep in the second year and was asked to represent the Department.

It is easy to manage my job and studies as both are part-time and I only commit to the work I am sure I can give my time to – Lancaster is really flexible like that. My position as Departmental Rep greatly enhanced my professional development as it has given me a great opportunity to liaise with key people within the Management School and form relationships with them.

Graduation Usher

Representing the University as a Graduation Usher was a fun and rewarding position of responsibility. All the staff were welcoming and supportive and quick friendships were made with fellow temporary colleagues, forming a strong team. I further improved personal skills such as confidence and time management effectiveness.  My highlight of the day was being part of making other students’ graduations a perfect and memorable day, as well as a personal thanks from Chancellor Chris Bonington for our help. I can’t wait to be further involved with working for student recruitment.

Employment and Recruitment Intern

I currently work as an Employment and Recruitment Intern in Lancaster University’s Employment and Recruitment Service. My role involves promoting job opportunities to students using our online job boards and shortlisting these potential candidates by working closely with our clients to ensure we find someone suitable for their available vacancy. I also have the responsibility for the input of staff working hours to ensure they are paid each month.

Working in the ERS has really helped me to prepare for having a career after I graduate as it has given me a clear insight into working in a professional environment. The team are extremely helpful and knowledgeable about the recruitment process and I now know that I want to apply for a career in a Recruitment and HR industry; a decision I wouldn’t have been able to make without having my part-time job. Moreover, it has enhanced my ability to balance my job alongside my degree as I have to make time to study around my set working hours in the week. This has been really useful because having less free study time means that you have to make the most of the time that you do have!

The team are dedicated and always do everything they can to help anyone with anything they need.

Accommodation Checker

I worked as an accommodation checker for Lancaster University during the summer of 2014. The clear description of the position and full details of the selection process, made by the Employment and Recruitment Service, influenced my decision of applying for this job. This position not only that helped me improved my team spirit and attention to detail but also helped me gain extra money!