Thursday, 22 May (public event open to all)
Please note: There is no registration fee, but we strongly encourage you to book your space.
Location: Lancaster University Management School Lecture Theatre 03
4-00‐4:15 Introductory remarks, Lucy Suchman
4.15-5:15 Keynote lecture, M. Shane Riza
The Spectra of Impunity in Warfare (parts 1 & 2)
Audio Player Audio Player
5.15-5:30 Response, Karolina Follis
5:30-6:15 Discussion
Audio Player
6:15-7:00 Reception, sponsored by the Lancaster University Centre for International
Law and Human Rights and the Centre for Science Studies
7:30pm Dinner for invited speakers and sponsors
SYMPOSIUM Friday, 23 May (by registration)
Location: Bowland North, Seminar Room 10
9.30‐11:00 Derek Gregory, University of British Columbia, Canada
The God trick and the administration of military violence
Discussants: Maggie Mort, John Urry
15 min break
11.15-12.45 Christiane Wilke, Carleton University, Canada
The Optics of Bombing: International Law and the Visibility
of Civilians
Discussants: Bela Chatterjee, Patrick Hagopian
Lunch (provided)
2-3.30pm Patrick Crogan, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
Un-securing the Territory
Discussants: Estrid Sorensen, James Summers
15 min break
3.45-5.15pm Jutta Weber, University of Paderborn, Germany
Making Algorithms Kill: On the Epistemic Logic of
Robotic Warfare
Discussants: Brian Bloomfield, Mark Lacy
Closing discussion, next steps
Location: Lancaster University, Bailrigg, LA1 4YT
Please note: Symposium registration fees apply. Please visit our ‘Registration’ section to find out more.