Working Papers

2024 The risk of falling short: Implementation Shortfall variance in portfolio construction, Working Paper, Lancaster University Management School;
joint work with Filip Basic, Alberto Martin-Utrera and Ingmar Nolte.
2024 Decoupling Interday and Intraday Volatility Dynamics with Price Durations, Working Paper, Lancaster University Management School;
joint work with Yifan Li, Ingmar Nolte and Shifan Yu.
2024 A Linear Weight Estimator for Dynamic Global Minimum Variance Portfolio Allocation, Working Paper, Lancaster University Management School;
joint work with Ekaterina Kazak, Yifan Li and Ingmar Nolte.
2024 Power Sorting, Working Paper, Lancaster University Management School;
joint work with Anastasios Kagkadis, Harald Lohre, Ingmar Nolte and Nikolaos Vasilas.
2024 Realized Candlestick Wicks, Working Paper, Lancaster University Management School;
joint work with Yifan Li, Ingmar Nolte and Shifan Yu.
2024 Testing for Jumps in a Discretely Observed Price Process with Endogenous Sampling Times, Working Paper, Lancaster University Management School;
joint work with Yifan Li, Sandra Nolte and Shifan Yu.
2022 The Maximal Range-Return Divergence Statistic, Working Paper, Lancaster University Management School;
joint work with Yifan Li and Ingmar Nolte.
2021 Volatility Estimation and Sampling Efficiency: An Intrinsic Time Approach, Working Paper, Lancaster University Management School;
joint work with Yifan Li and Sandra Nolte.
2020 An Integrated Approach to Currency Factor Timing?, Working Paper, Lancaster University Management School;
joint work with Ananthalakshmi Ranganathan, Harald Lohre and Houssem Braham. 
2019 Renewal Based Volatility Estimation, Working Paper, Lancaster University Management School;
joint work with Yifan Li and Ingmar Nolte. 
2018 High-Frequency Volatility Estimation and the Relative Importance of Market Microstructure Variables: An Autoregressive Conditional Intensity Approach, Working Paper, Lancaster University Management School;
joint work with Yifan Li and Ingmar Nolte.
2016 Entrepreneur’s Wealth, Firm Performance and Cost of Capital: A Bayesian Approach to the Capital Structure of Entrepreneurial Ventures;
joint work with Andrea Moro and Alexandra Dias.
2014 Industry Survival Rate, Entrepreneur Historical Performance and Personal Wealth: A Probabilistic Model for Optimizing SMEs Capital Structure;
joint work with Andrea Moro.
2011 Where Do the Joneses Go on Vacation? Social Distance and the Influence of Online Reviews on Product Sales, Working Paper, Warwick Business School;
joint work with Leif Brandes and Ingmar Nolte.
2009 Customer Trading in the Foreign Exchange Market: Empirical Evidence from an Internet Trading Platform, FERC Working Paper 09-01, Warwick Business School;
joint work with Ingmar Nolte.
2008 Multiplicative Measurement Error and the Simulation Extrapolation Method, IAW-Diskussionspapier, N° 39;
joint work with Elena Biewen and Martin Rosemann.
2007 The multiplicative Simulation Extrapolation Approach, Working Paper, University of Konstanz.
2003 Schätzung ökonometrischer Modelle auf der Grundlage anonymisierter Daten, University of Konstanz, CoFE Working Paper No 03/04;
joint work with Winfried Pohlmeier.
2003 A modelisation of the anchoring effect in closed-ended questions with follow-up, University of Strasbourg, BETA Document de travail No 2003/07;
joint work with Anne Rozan and Francois Laisney.