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Keynote Speakers

We are excited to have the following keynote speakers at this years’ conference:

Professor Peter Diggle

Peter Diggle is Distinguished University Professor of Statistics in CHICAS, a teaching and research group within the Lancaster Medical School at Lancaster University working at the interface of statistics, epidemiology and health informatics. He is also the Director of Training for Health Data Research UK. He holds a post at the University of Liverpool Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, and adjunct appointments at Johns Hopkins University, Columbia University, and Yale University. Professor Diggle’s research involves the development of statistical methods for spatial and longitudinal data analysis, motivated by applications in the biomedical, health and environmental sciences. He has published 12 books and more than 250 articles on these topics in the open literature.

He was awarded the Royal Statistical Society’s Guy Medal in Silver in 1997, and is a former editor of the Society’s Journal, Series B. Professor Diggle was also president of the Royal Statistical Society (2014-2016). He was founding co-editor of the journal Biostatistics between 1999 and 2009, and is a trustee for the Biometrika Trust. He has served the UK Medical Research Council as a member of their Population and Systems Medicine Research Board and as chair of their Skills Development Panel.


Professor Kerrie Mengersen

Kerrie Mengersen is a Distinguished Professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Queensland University of Technology. Professor Mengersen’s research focuses on using and developing new statistical and computational methods that can help to solve complex problems in the real world. These problems are in the fields of environment, genetics, health and medicine, and industry. Her research interests include complex systems modelling, Bayesian statistical modelling, Bayesian networks, and applied statistics. She has published over 350 refereed journal publications on these topics.

Professor Mengersen is acknowledged to be one of the leading researchers in her discipline. She also received two prestigious awards in 2016: the Statistical Society of Australia’s Pitman Medal, the highest award presented by the Society and the first time it has been presented to a woman, and the Research Excellence award by the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Analysis (CRCSI). In 2018 Professor Mengersen was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (AAS); a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA); and an Invited Fellow of the Queensland Academy of Arts and Sciences (QAAS).


Professor Mark Girolami

Mark Girolami holds the Sir Kirby Laing Professorship of Civil Engineering within the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge, where he also holds the Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Data Centric Engineering. Professor Girolami was also one of the original founding Executive Directors of the Alan Turing Institute the UK’s national institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, after which he was appointed as Strategic Programme Director at Turing, where he established and continues to lead the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Programme on Data Centric Engineering. His research interests include computational statistics, Bayesian statistical methodology, and applications of probabilistic, stochastic and statistical modelling in the engineering and natural sciences.

Professor Girolami is a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow (2007-2012), an EPSRC Established Career Research Fellow (2012-2018), and a recipient of a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. He delivered the IMS Medallion Lecture at the Joint Statistical Meeting 2017, and the Bernoulli Society Forum Lecture at the European Meeting of Statisticians 2017. Professor Girolami currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Statistics and Computing, and Data Centric Engineering.


Abstracts and timings can be found in the RSC_Programme.