Introduction to Version Control and Git

We will be holding our first tutorial, one that came directly out of the feedback from the first RSF: Version control with git.

Version control is one of the most basic tools used when creating software, writing an anaylsis, or even writing a paper. Version control can be a huge time saver, tracking all the changes you have made to your documents (be it code, packages or papers). It allows you to revist previous versions, and track down when your code stopped working.

In this tutorial we will walk you through using GIT, a lightweight version control system. We will look at basic features such as tracking your changes locally, then move onto using remote repositories (e.g. GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket) to store and track your changes. This will then finish by talking you through collaborating with colleagues and merging their changes into yours, followed by advanced features such as branches.

This talk is aimed at beginners and those that want to learn a little more. You will need to bring a laptop with git installed ( The tutorial is designed around using linux/mac as the operating system, however the commands are transferable and windows could be used (You can use SSH and if you want to use linux but only have a windows laptop.)

The event will run from 10:00 – 15:00. We will break at 12:00 for an hour so people can get their lunch (not provided), although the instructor will remain around for those who wish to work through lunch. Morning and afternoon tea/coffee and biscuits will be provided.

To sign up for the event (please do as I then have numbers for tea / coffee.) please go to: