The upcoming Mobilities Reading Group will take place Wednesday, 12 August from 4PM-5PM in the Mobilities Lab (Bowland North B37, Lancaster University). This week’s reading,…

Following the interest in last week’s reading of Henri Bergson’s “The Cinematographical Mechanism of Thought and the Mechanistic Illusion” we will be having a special edition…

The upcoming Mobilities Reading Group will take place in the Mobilities Lab (Bowland North B37) Wednesday July 29, 2015 from 4PM to 5PM. The reading…

A little slideshow with sound to accompany the reading for the July 15, 2015 Mobilities Reading Group meeting, Ceri Houlbrook’s “The Mutability of Meaning: Contextualizing…

http://youtu.be/InbkSd7YjJk Monika Büscher’s reflections on Jean-Luc Nancy’s Being Singular Plural (the Mobilities Reading Group text for April 23, 2015).

A new mobilities research reading group begins on Thursday 19th February at 4.30 in the mobilities lab. Our first reading is Deadly Algorithms by Susan…
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