“Future Perfect: Retheorising Utopia”, Ch. 8 from Ruth Levitas’ The Concept of Utopia, 4-5PM, Bowland North B37 (Mobilities Lab). The second reading of our Utopia-themed mobilities meetings….

“Geolocation and Video Ethnography: Capturing Mobile Internet Used by a Commuter” by Voilmy, Smoreda & Ziemlicki, 4-5PM, Bowland North B37 (Mobilities Lab). Thanks to Visiting…

Thomas More’s Utopia will be discussed at this joint ISF/Mobilities Reading Group, 4-5PM, FASS Building, Meeting Room 1. Everyone is invited to attend and join in the…

The upcoming Mobilities Reading Group will take place Wednesday, 9 March from 4PM-5PM in the Mobilities Lab (Bowland North B37, Lancaster University). This week’s reading is…
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