Module overview
This research methods module provides students with the skills and applicability of business research in their future careers. Especially the link of research and it’s use for management practice is highlighted. Within business and management many companies will make regular use of different forms of research. It is commonly used in strategy, marketing, human resource management, sales, research, design and development, customer services and account management while research is also undertaken in healthcare management, education settings, third-sector organisations, and throughout government.
General module aims
The general aims of the module are to develop students:
- Understanding the interplay of theory and practice in relation to organisations and the applicability of research driven approaches for managerial problems.
- Ability to understand complex business situations from different perspectives and theoretical angles.
- Ability to reduce complexity, analyse problems and generate viable solutions.
- Critical approach to the application of management theory and practice and enhancing their understanding through evaluation and reflection.
- In undertaking analysis, conceptualising problems in a holistic and integrative manner, and understanding the interconnected nature of organisational issues and solutions.
Module outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
- Understand the research process as problem solving process
- Develop and understand how to refine research questions
- Look at complex problems from different perspectives
- Understand different qualitative and quantitative research methods
- Understand the link of research question and corresponding methods
- Discuss results and reflect them
- Develop implications for research and management practice
On successful completion of this module students will demonstrate:
- The ability to apply theory to practice in organisations, within the broader operating environment and in relation to their own approach to management
- A critical approach to the application of management theory to practice
- Reflective skills in order to learn from practice
- Competence in engaging with complex business situations by using appropriate literature, concepts, theory and tools to understand the situation, analyse the problem and generate viable solutions.
- The ability to communicate in verbal and written form
- A more holistic understanding of organisational issues and their interconnected nature
Getting started
You will find a navigation menu in the upper right-hand corner of each page called Quick Links or Stage X (x = the stage number) followed by individual sections within a stage.
We suggest that you work your way through each of the sections, which contains short lectures, readings and links to further readings, tools and resources. Then, revisit sections within the stages that become more relevant as you progress with your own research project.
You’ll probably find that you do this in almost a cyclical way.

Reflection develops success
We suggest that you keep a reflective account of your own learning and understanding of what you read, watch and research in a space that you can regularly refer to and grow over time. Making this a regular part of your learning process will help you to:
- develop your understanding of research methods;
- track and record what you feel you know well;
- take note of issues related to research methods that you want to further your understanding of;
- identify approaches and tools that can help you in your own research;
- communicate what you learn, understand and need further understanding of with peers and your supervisor(s).
OneNote is a good, free example of a place that you can keep notes that you make, as it allows you to create notebooks and sections within notebooks that you can name and organize according to your needs.