Lancaster University Language and Literacy Unit

LULLU Research Team

My research concerns learning about early literacy acquisition through student interactions with research-based game environments. I am working with Amplify Reading to apply and refine statistical models of time-series analysis of early literacy development by looking at children’s interactions with a digital reading support. This project will use data from games that assess vocabulary, morphology, word reading and reading comprehension.

Yawen Ma

Doctoral Scholar

LULLU Affiliates and Friends

Megan Dixon Photo

My research interests lie in exploring teachers' knowledge of reading comprehension and identifying causal factors implicated in the effective teaching of reading comprehension. I am a writer and teacher trainer, working as a columnist for the Times Educational Supplement and developing professional learning materials and training programmes on developing literacy and leadership in school.

Megan Dixon

Part-Time Doctoral Scholar (University of Sussex) and School Leader

LULLU Visiting Academics and Scientists




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