The Home Stretch!

I cannot believe that it’s third term already! In 8 weeks’ time I will have completed my first year at uni – aah! When I came back from the holidays this time I had a similar feeling to when I first arrived here, that nerv-cited tingle; I knew that this term would be challenging, but it would also continue to bring me lots of opportunities as a student.


I hope everybody had a lovely Easter full of smiles and yummy chocolatey things! And I hope, for any potential Lancaster students reading, you had a good break to prepare for your A-level exams (good luck!) I must admit that the break this time around was much needed; it was just a chance to recuperate and get myself together for this term ahead. I had such a wonderful time with my mum and dad, as well as my grandparents – it was nice to have a catch up and some cuddles! Likewise, seeing my friends was so, so, so great; it felt like an age since I’d seen them! Going back to work in the shop made me so happy too, I miss my work family! I was even lucky enough to do some ‘first hand revision’ (!), because my mum and dad whisked me away to Paris for a few days as a surprise, eeek! I have wanted to see Notre Dame since I was teeny tiny and actually walking up to it and seeing those stunning bell towers and, of course, the wonderful window is an image I will never forget. We even took a trip to Boulevard Haussmann, which was rather cool seeing as I wrote my last history essay on the Haussmannisation of Paris!


Now I’ve been back for a week I feel like I’m starting to get back into the swing of things. Shying away from the fact that I’ve been feeling apprehensive about this term would be a lie – exams are scary and I still have a couple of essay deadlines coming up. However, in my attempt to calm myself down by Googling all sorts of weird things, I did come across one little piece of advice from a past uni-student and it was something we often lose sight of as we tackle exam season. She said ‘just enjoy yourself and remember that you came to uni to study something you are interested in learning about.’ It couldn’t be simpler really, could it? When I tell people about uni I always say ‘aw, I love it there – I’m getting so much out of it and the subject is really thought-provoking’, however, when I sit down in panic mode to write an essay I can’t help but think ‘why am I putting myself through this stress?’; but now putting it into this perspective, this week I have felt it high time to remember that I am here because I enjoy it, so I should be tackling assignments and exams with this in mind. So that’s my little mantra for this term and I really hope I can keep in that frame of mind.


So, revision…! I had my first revision session this week and it was not as horrendous as I thought it was going to be! There were no knowledge drills, or surprise quizzes, or shocking reveals that there would be really narrow questions in the exam, thank goodness! It was just a session to go over how to deal with any exam fear and how to begin tackling revision and thinking about the exam questions: not too bad at all. Plus, my seminar teacher provided chocolate, which is always a bonus! Likewise, the prospect of using felt tips and making posters for knowledge based revision fills me with weird nerdy joy. After this upcoming week, when my assignments are handed in, I will get my creative revision head on! We’ve started with our final modules this week too, so best keep focussed on the new content as it will definitely crop up in the exam!


Speaking of new content, I have also been signing up for my Year 2 modules this week. I still can’t believe that I have done it! Enrolling for second year means that first year has gone too quickly! It is really, really exciting though, because second year gives us a lot more freedom as students to study the areas that we really have a keen interest in, or have a desire to learn a little bit more about. For example, I have a real interest in the history of advertising, media and consumerism so I’ve opted to take a module called ‘Elvis, TV and Tupperware’, which will hopefully fulfil this interest! Plus, there is a module all about the history of Paris, so another trip may be in order for research purposes…what a shame!


Having just paused to get a cup of tea from the kitchen I have realised that I must dedicate a little section to the County ducks this post! Oh my God, they are absolutely adorable! There are lots of titchy ducklings waddling all around the townhouses and they’re so fluffy and tiny…and fluffy! Our house have been researching what to feed them and we now have a tub full of oats, peas and seeds waiting by the door for whenever they appear! If I could use this post entirely to coo over the ducks I would, but I fear several passages of me pointing out how cute they are would bore some readers to tears – so I will move on… (But, they are so lovely!)


Besides from work (and ducks), this week we have started the transition for the Ballet Society Exec, which is rather exciting! The girls and I met up for a handover meeting where we were told all about what we were going to have to do in our roles! Emily, the old treasurer, was so lovely and she’s given me a really pretty folder with a set of notes in telling me all about what I have to do. Next week we’re going to have the exec handover meal at Oscar’s, (one of Lancaster’s wine bars) which looks really lovely. I think we’re all looking forward to donning the glad rags! I can’t wait to start my role properly and to use my pretty folder as the term progresses and, as ever, the society are still close!


So, one week of third term has passed already! It’s time to keep my positive head on, keep my pen to paper and keep focused – I can do this!


Have a lovely week! Thank you all for reading!

History Hugs,
