NoWAL Open Research Exchange of Experience, University of Manchester 13th June 2019
Our colleagues at Manchester University Library hosted a NoWAL Exchange of Experience Workshop on 13 June 2019. The Research Group met to share how academic libraries in the North West promote Open Research.
We organised a one hour workshop to present our Open Research approach and introduce an interesting method from the business world.
Open Research at Lancaster University
We started by talking about drivers for Open Research and introduced Open Research activities we’ve tried so far at Lancaster University to engage our research community, e.g. Data Conversations, Open Research Cafes, and an online survey investigating perspectives on Open Research. See slides for more information:
Thinking strategically: The Mission Model Canvas
The Mission Model Canvas is an adaptation of a strategic business planning tool called the Business Model Canvas. It is a visual chart for planning new projects. The method is used at Lancaster University by our colleagues from Work in Progress who help students and staff to develop business ideas.

We believe using a Canvas approach helps us develop an Open Research community in a holistic way considering all building blocks of setting up a new “Mission”.
Workshop using the canvas
So, after introducing the canvas we broke out into smaller groups to apply the Mission Model Canvas to building a community of Open Researchers at our own institutions. It was a great opportunity to discuss how we were all supporting researchers and the Open Research agenda at various institutions, to compare our different approaches, our key partners and channels, and to discuss where potential difficulties may lie.

During the activity we added our key thoughts to post-its: orange to highlight tips or solutions; pink to highlight potential issues or barriers we may come across.
See the completed canvases:
The activity highlighted how we should approach Open Research more holistically, with the Library being an important facilitator but mindful of the roles of other stakeholders.

The blank mission model canvas was made available so that the exercise could be repeated at home institutions. Please use the download to try it yourself!
Takeaway Thoughts
We tried to summarise our “top tips” of developing Open Research initiatives:
- Apply the Mission Model Canvas to your own institution
- Accept the challenges – not every initiative will succeed
- Be ever mindful of your institution’s culture
- Identify and support: allies, advocates and early adopters
- Libraries are great matchmakers
- Community should be the goal rather than compliance
By Louise Tripp, Hardy Schwamm and Joshua Sendall