EAL Science Booklets is a FINALIST of the 15th British Council ELTons Awards for Innovation in English Language Teaching 2017 in the Local Innovation category*
The EAL Science Booklets are materials for teaching language and science to bi/multilingual learners in mainstream primary classrooms. They cover a selection of topics from the National Curriculum for Science for Key Stage 2.
Topics covered are:
(1) Teeth and eating (5) Separating solids and liquids
(2) Growing plants (6) Changing state
(3) Magnets (7) Changing sounds
(4) Habitats and food chains (8) Changing circuits
The booklets:
- are systematic
- allow use of [any] L1 (i.e. learners’ first language/mother tongue) to facilitate comprehension
- use visuals and simple L2 (i.e. second/target/instruction) language to
- support learning
- are personalised, interactive and flexible
- have content that is highly accessible
- bring parents into learning processes
- employ range of tasks to support language and subject knowledge development
- are likely to increase motivation and facilitate scientific enquiry
- allow a varied degree of teacher control at any stage
- can be used as a helpful resource for formative assessment
- can be used equally effectively by native English speaking learners and learners with EAL
You can download PDF copies of EAL-Science Booklets free of charge on this website.
*Our Booklets have been selected as a finalist by a panel of experts from among 115 international products, publications and services as meeting the stringent criteria: of innovation and practical functionality. Find out more at http://englishagenda.britishcouncil.org/events/eltons