Moving to Foundation

“Foundation” is the name we give to the latest style of web pages on the University website. The Foundation Content Types are the best looking, easiest to use and most accessible set of building blocks available for CMS users.


As an institution, we are responsible for ensuring the website meets the needs of a wide range of users. The latest UK regulations relating to accessibility for public sector websites require if to meet accessibility standards by September 2020.

We ensure all Foundation Content Types produce accessible content, with each Content Type tested in various ways against the accessibility standards, and using assistive technology.

Older style Content Types are often inadequate, so migrating to the Foundation system is a key part of making our site as usable for everyone as it can be and to ensure we meet our legal obligations.

Ease of Use

Since introducing the Foundation system, feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. CMS users tell us these Content Types are much easier to use than the older ones. Each Foundation Content Type produces a row of content on your page, so there’s no fussing about trying to work out if different content types will work in different page layouts.

Indeed, compared to more than 80 different page layouts in use for older style content, the Foundation system uses just one page layout. It’s called Foundation. If you select that page layout, any Content Type that starts with the word “Foundation” will work on it.

Look and Feel

The Foundation styling is the most modern iteration of the Lancaster website brand. The pages are less cramped, have fewer areas of navigation, and work better on a wide range of devices. As the homepage and primary core pages are Foundation already (e.g. Study and programme pages), pages that are in older styles stand out and look dated.

Moving to the newer styles provides a consistent appearance for pages that make up the core website, reassuring users that they are viewing up to date and official content.

Continued Development

The Foundation Content Types benefit from continued support and development. New features and most bug fixes will only be done in the Foundation style.


Moving to Foundation need not entail moving all of your existing content. The Foundation style encourages longer single pages, and fewer of them overall. Most sites that have moved to Foundation have take the opportunity to prune a lot of pages from their section, focussing on the core messages and content that users really want.

If you have old style news articles and events, those do not need to be moved into the Foundation style. They can either be left behind if you no longer require them on the site, or can be moved “in place” as an old style content archive.

Posted in CMS