
book cover including 2 illustrations, one of a chid and one of two elders with another person

The latest Day in the Life book!

Cameron, C.A. & Stella, C. (2021) Thriving Across the Lifespan and Around the Globe: Day in the Life Visual Research Approach Bentham Science Publishers.

See the publisher’s page here for full details including contents and chapter abstracts.




Stella, C. & Cameron, C.A. (Eds.). (2018). Psicologia do Desenvolvimento – “Um Dia na Vida” de Pessoas Bem-Sucedidas – Metodologia da Pesquisa Audiovisual em Psicologia Transcultural, Educação e Comunicação. (1st Ed.). Curitiba: Juruá.

Cameron, C.A. (2018). Prólogo: Cronologia do desenvolvimento da metodologia Um dia na vida (pp. 13-18).

Cameron, C.A. (2018). Capítulo 1: Desenvolvimento da metodologia Um dia na vida para o estudo de indivíduos de todas as faixas etárias e do mundo todo. (pp. 19-24).

Didkowsky, N. (2018). Capítulo 2: Uma breve história das mudanças nas tendências da pesquisa audiovisual e visual. (pp.25-34).

Gillen, J. & Cameron, C.A. (2018). Capítulo 3: A importância do vídeo etnográfico no projeto Um Dia na Vida: um caso de castores e cidadania. (pp. 35-43).

Hancock, N. & Hancock, R. (2018). Capítulo 4: O toque como meio comunicativo e exploratório. (pp.43-52).

Didkowsky, N., Cameron, E.L & Cameron, C.A. (2018) Capítulo 5:”quando você ri, o mundo volta a ser belo”: o uso do humor por idosos bem-succedidos. (pp.53-64).

Jorge, A., Tomé, V. & Pacheco, R. (2018) Capítulo 6: Um dia na vida de 3 meninos portugueses com menos de 3 anos. (pp.65-74).

Hunt, A.K., Cameron, C.A. & Jenkins, S. (2018). Capítulo 7: Lição de Casa: aproximando os mundos de casa e da escola. (pp. 75-80).

Toselli, M., Pinto, G. & Cameron, C.A. (2018). Capítulo 8: Aprender por meio da imitação no dia a dia em casa e na escola. (pp.81-92).

Didkowsky, N. & Lau, C. (2018). Capítulo 9: Por trás das câmeras: reflexões sobre a experiência dos pesquisadores ao capturar dados audiovisuais durante um dia na vida

Caldas, R.F.L & Roque, B.B.G. (2018). Capítulo 10: Família, escola e transição: a importância do apoio familiar no processo educaional bwm-sucedido. (pp.105-112)

Caldas, R.F.L, Caltabellotta, G.S. & Pedro, L.D.M. (2018). Capítulo 11: Os benefícios da transição cultural para o sucesso educacional. (pp.113-120).

Bacchereti, S.F., de Morais, C.L. & de Almeida, T.V.P. (2018) Capítulo 12: Sucesso entre os pares: habilidades sociais no processo de transição. (pp.121-130).

Bacchereti, S.F., Baltieri, F & La Rosa, T. (2018): Capítulo 13: Transição cultural e mediação entre a nova cultura e a cultura de origem. (pp.131-136).

Stella, C. & Nazima, J.M. (2018) Capítulo 14: A musicalidade e o apoio intergeracional para crianças em transição bem-sucedidas: o caso de Estela. (pp.137-144).

Stella, C. & Gouvei, L.d.S. (2018) Capítulo 15: Espiritualiadade como apoio para idosos bem-sucedidos de idade avançada: um estudo de caso. (pp.145-153).

Gillen, J. & Cameron, C.A. (2015).“Un giorno nella vita” Percosi internationali di ricerca della prima infanzia (2015) Firenze: Seid.  This has new editorial material and translations by Giuliana Pinto and Monica Toselli.

Gillen, J. & Cameron, C.A. (2010).International Perspectives on Early Childhood Research: A Day in the Life. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.


Chapter 1 Introduction: Julia Gillen and Catherine Ann Cameron

Chapter 2 Using video technology: Roger Hancock, Julia Gillen and Giuliana Pinto

Chapter 3 Musicality: Susan Young and Julia Gillen

Chapter 4 Emotional security: Catherine Ann Cameron, Ayshe Talay-Ongan, Roger Hancock, and Sombat Tapanya

Chapter 5 Eating: Julia Gillen and Roger Hancock

Chapter 6 Notational systems: Giuliana Pinto, Beatrice Accorti Gamannossi & Catherine Ann Cameron

Chapter 7 Humour: E. Leslie Cameron, Beatrice Accorti Gamannossi, Julia Gillen and Catherine Ann Cameron

Chapter 8 Conclusions: Catherine Ann Cameron & Julia Gillen

Appendix: Locating the children

Chapters in other books

Matsumoto M. Poveda, D., Jorge, A., Pacheco, R.,Tomé, V., Aliagas, C & Morgade Salgado, M.  (2021) Family Mediating Practices and Ideologies: Spanish and Portuguese Parents of Children Under Three and Digital Media in Homes. In: Holloway D., Willson M., Murcia K., Archer C., Stocco F. (eds) Young Children’s Rights in a Digital World. Children’s Well-Being: Indicators and Research, vol 23. Springer, Cham.

Bar-Lev, Yehuda & Elias, Nelly. (2019). Learning from Screen Media in Early Childhood: A Double-Edged Sword. In Rita Brito & Patrícia Dias (eds.) Children, families, and technology in today’s society: What challenges? Which path? Lisbon School of Education.

Hancock, R., Cameron, A. & Talay-Ongan, A. (2013). Agency and children’s well-being, In C. L. Cameron & L. Miller (Eds.). International Perspectives in the Early Years. London: Sage.

Cameron, C.A. & Theron, L. (2011). With pictures and words I can show you: Cartoons portray migrant teenagers’ journeys. In L.C. Theron, C. Mitchell, & A. Smith, (Eds.), Picturing research: Drawing as visual methodology.  Rotterdam NL: Sense Publishers. Pp. 205-217.

Journal Papers

Sandberg,H.,Sjöberg,U. & Sundin,E.(2021).Toddlers’ digital media practices and everyday parental struggles: Interactions and meaning-making as digital media are domesticated. Nordicom Review,42(s4) 59-78. Open Access here.

Pinto, G., Cameron, C.A. & Toselli, M. (2020) An old mechanism, imitation, geared for socio-material knowing in a “Day in the Life” of first graders. Frontiers in Psychology. | Open Access here.

Cameron, C.A. & Hunt, A.K. (2018). “A Day in the Life”: A visual, multimedia approach to research. London: Sage Research Methods Cases. doi: 10.4135/9781526449863

Gillen, J. and Cameron, C.A. (2017) Negotiating citizenship: a young child’s collaborative meaning-making constructions of beavers as a symbol of Canada, Language and Education, 31 (4) 330-350 DOI: 10.1080/09500782.2017.1302466

Kubiliene, N., Jenkins, S., Gouliquer, L., & Cameron, C.A. (on line, 2016).  Agency and communion in a Day in the Life of a thriving older adult. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging. 155280030.2016.12207878.

Cameron, C.A., Pinto, G., Hunt, A.K., Léger, P-D. (2015). Emerging literacy during a ‘Day in the Life’ in transition to school. Early Child Development and Care, 2015.1105800

Cameron, C.A., Hunt, A.K., Pezzica, S., Phillips, L., Heydon, R. & Kumpulienen, K. (2014).  Children shaping their identities as readers and writers: A Day in the Life of children in transition to school. Childhood Explorer, 1(4), 22-25.

Cameron, C.A., Pinto, G. & Tapanya, S. (2014). Scaffolding one Thai youth drawing toward resilience. Culture & Psychology, 20(4), 453-479.

Dmytro, D., Kubiliene, N. & Cameron, C.A. (2014). Agentive and communitarian play in early childhood. Early Child Development and Care. doi:10.1080/03004430.2014.894033

Pinto, G., Cameron, C.A., Hancock, R. & Tapanya, S. (2014). Thriving toddlers and their attentive fathers and grandfathers in Italy during a Day in their Lives. Procedia Social & Behavioral Sciences116, 2039-2043. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.516

Toselli, M., Pinto, G. & Cameron, C.A. (2014). Un giorno nella vita di un bambino. Continuit. e discontinuit. nella transizione dal contesto familiare al contesto scolastico. Psicologia dell’educatione, 8(2), 239-252.

Cameron, C.A, Pinto, G., Hancock, R., & Tapanya, S. (2013). Thriving toddler girls and their attentive fathers and grandfathers during a Day in their Lives. Early Child Development and Care.

Cameron, E.L., Hedman, L., Didkowsky, N., Tapanya, S. & Cameron, C.A. (2013). “If everyone copies me Thailand will be so much better off”: The power of irony in youth conversation. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Care, 2, 189-208.

Cameron, C.A., Theron, L., Tapanya, S., Li, C., Lau, C., Liebenberg, L., & Ungar, M. (2013).  Visual perspectives on majority world adolescent thriving.  Journal of Research on Adolescence. 23(1), 149-161. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-7795.2012.00794.x

Cameron, C.A., Theron, L., Tapanya, S., Li, C., Lau, C., Liebenberg, L., & Ungar, M. (2013).  Visual perspectives on majority world adolescent thriving.  Journal of Research on Adolescence 23(1), 149-161. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-7795.2012.00794.x

Cameron, C.A., Theron, L., Tapanya, S., Li, C., Lau, C., Liebenberg, L., & Ungar, M. (2013).  Visual perspectives on majority world adolescent thriving.  Journal of Research on Adolescence.23(1), 149-161. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-7795.2012.00794.x

Phillips, L. & Cameron, C.A. (2012).  Investigating the multimodality of children and youth. International Journal of Child Youth and Family Studies, 3(2/3)

Liebenberg, L., Didkowsky, N., & Ungar, M. (2012). Analysing visual data using grounded theory: An exemplar of the Negotiating Resilience Project. Visual Studies, 27(1), 59-74.

Cameron, C.A., Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B., Hancock, R., & Tapanya, S. (2011). Domestic play collaborations in diverse family contexts. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 36(4), 78-86.

Cameron, C. A., Theron, L., Ungar, M., & Liebenberg, L. (2011). Adapting visual methodologies to identify youth protective processes in negotiating resilience across cultures and contexts. Australian Community Psychologist, 23(2), 68-84.

Cameron, C.A., Theron, L., Ungar, M. & Liebenberg, L. (2011). Adapting visual methodologies to identify youth protective processes in negotiating resilience across cultures and contexts.  Australian Community Psychologist, 23(2), 68-84.

Theron, L., Cameron, C.A., Didkowsky, N., Lau, C., Liebenberg, L. & Ungar, M. (2011). A ‘day in the life’ of four resilient youths: Cultural roots of resilience. Youth and Society, 43(3), 799-818.

Ungar, M., Theron, L., & Didkowsky, N. (2011). Adolescents’ precocious and developmentally appropriate contributions to their families’ well-being and resilience in five countries. Family Relations, 60(2), 231–246.

Cameron, C.A., Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B., Hancock, R., & Tapanya, S. (2011). Domestic play collaborations in diverse family contexts. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 36(4), 78-86

Cameron, C.A. (2011). “A day in the life’: A new methodology for investigating early childhood thriving and youth resilience around the globe. ISSBD Bulletin, 1, Ser. No. 59. 20-24.

Cameron, E.L, Fox, J.D., Anderson, M.S., & Cameron, C.A. (2010). Resilient youths use humor to enhance socio-emotional functioning during a Day in the LifeJournal of Adolescent Research, 25(5), 716-742.doi: 10.1177/0743558410366595

Didkowsky, N., & Ungar, M. (2010). Using a development-in-context approach to conceptualize the impact of sociopolitical restructuring on youth resilience in Russia. Youth and Society, first published online November 2010.

Didkowsky, N., Ungar, M., & Liebenberg, L. (2010). Using visual methods to capture embedded processes of resilience for youth across cultures and contexts. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 19(1), 12-18.

Didkowsky, N., Ungar, M., & Liebenberg, L. (2010). Using visual methods to capture embedded processes of resilience for youth across cultures and contexts. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 19(1), 12-8

Cameron, C.A, Lau, C., Tapanya, S. (2009). Passing it on during a Day in the Life of resilient adolescents in diverse communities around the globe. Child and Youth Care Forum, 38(5), 227-271.

Cameron, C.A. & Pinto, G. (2009) Day in the Life: Secure interludes with joint book reading. Journal of Research in Childhood Education , 23 (4), 437-449. doi: 10.1080/02568540909594672

Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B., & Cameron, C.A. (2009).  From scribbles to meanings: Social interaction in different cultures and the emergence of young children’s early drawing. Early Child Development & Care, 179 (8), 1-19.

Cameron, E.L., Kennedy, K., & Cameron, C.A. (2008). “Let me show you a trick!”: A toddler’s use of humor to explore, interpret, and negotiate her familial environment during a Day in the Life. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 23, 5-18.doi: org/10.1080/02568540809594642

Young, S. & Gillen, J. (2007) ‘Toward a revised understanding of young children’s musical activities: reflections from the “Day in the Life” project.’ Current Musicology 84, pp. 7-27.

Hancock, R. & Gillen, J. (2007) ‘Safe places in domestic spaces: two-year-olds at play in their homes’ Children’s Geographies Vol. 5 no. 4 pp. 337-351. During August 2011 freely available

Cameron, C.A., Ungar, M., & Liebenberg, L. (2007). Cross-cultural understandings of resilience: Roots for wings in the development of affective resources for resilience. In  (Eds. N. Carrey & M. Ungar). Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics Vol 16, No. 2 (pp. 285-301). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.

Gillen, J., Cameron, C.A.,  Tapanya, S.,  Pinto, G., Hancock, R., Young, S. & Accorti Gamannossi, B. (2007) ‘A Day in the Life’: advancing a methodology for the cultural study of development and learning in early childhood. Early Child Development and Care vol. 177 no. 2 pp. 207-218.. doi: 10.1080/03004430500393763 [also published in Rassegna di psicologia – see below]

Gillen, J., & Hancock, R. (2006) ‘A day in the life’: exploring eating events involving two-year-old girls and their families in diverse communities. Australian Journal of Early Childhood  vol. 31 no. 4 pp. 23-29.

Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B., & Cameron, C.A. (2006).  Joint book reading:  Socialization of literacy in cultural perspective. International Journal of Ideographic Science (4) online at

Reprinted as:
Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B., & Cameron, C.A. (2008). Joint book reading: Socialization of literacy in cultural perspective. In S. Salvatore, J. Valsiner, S. Strout-Yagodzynski, & J. Clegg (Eds.) Yearbook of Idiographic Science, Volume 1. Roma: Firera & Liuzzo Group, pp. 287-306.

Young, S. and Gillen, J. (2006) Technology assisted musical experiences in the everyday life of young children.  Paper presented at Touched by Musical Discovery: disciplinary and cultural perspectives. Proceedings of the ISME Early Childhood Music Education Commission Seminar July 9-14 Chinese Cultural University, Taipei.

Cameron, C.A., Tapanya, S. & Gillen, J. (2006) Swings, Hammocks, and Rocking Chairs as Secure Bases during A Day in the Life in Diverse Cultures. Child and Youth Care Forum 35 (3) 231-247.

SPECIAL ISSUE “A Day In The Life”: ecological investigation of learning in
diverse communities
NUMERO SPECIALE “A Day In The Life”: un’indagine ecologica sul costruirsi
degli apprendimenti in comunità diverse
Rassegna di Psicologia. n. 3 vol. XXIII (2006)
ed. G. Pinto
Contents:Editoriale: Pinto, G. “A Day in the Life” un’ indagine ecologica sul costruirsi degli apprendimenti in comunità diverse
A Day in the Life”: ecological investigation of learning in diverse communities 5-10Gillen, J., Cameron, C.A., Tapanya, S., Pinto, G., Hancock, R., Young, S.,
Accorti Gamannossi, B., Didkowsky, N.A Day In The Life: advancing a methodology for the cultural study of
development and learning in early childhoodUna metodologia per lo studio culturale dello sviluppo e dell’apprendimento
nella prima infanzia 11-24Cameron, C.A., Tapanya, S.
Swings and hammocks as secure bases for resilience during “A Day In The Life” in diverse cultures
Altalene ed amache come basi sicure per la capacità di recupero durante un”Giorno nella vita” in diverse culture 25-40Gillen, J., Hancock, R.
Eating, artefacts and the communication of values
I pasti, gli artefatti e la trasmissione dei valori 41-59Young, S. and Gillen, J.
Communicative musicality as parenting practice
La musicalità comunicativa come pratica educativa 61-77Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B., Cameron, C.A.
Emergent literacy in a day in the life
Alfabetizzazione emergente in “Un giorno nella vita” 79-92Accorti Gamannossi, B.
The study of development in different cultural contexts: the arrangement of
research materials
Lo studio dello sviluppo in contesti culturali diversi: la predisposizione
dei materiali di ricerca 93-107Normandeau, S.
From daily activities in diverse cultures to a day in the life of five
girls in their respective cultures
Dalle attività quotidiane in diverse culture a un giorno nella vita di
cinque bambine nelle rispettive culture 109-113

Gillen, J., Hancock, W.R., Accorti Gamannossi, B., Pinto, G., Tapanya, S., Didkowsky, N., Jackson, L. & Cameron, C.A. (2004) Social spaces of two-year-old girls: ‘a day in the life’. [Abstract] Canadian Psychology 45 2a, p. 122-3.

Further dissemination:

Interview conducted at University of Florence for Psicologia Escuola January 2014:

Conference papers and poster sessions

Gillen, J. Matsumoto, M., Sundin, E. (2019) A Day in the Digital Lives of Children aged 0-3: Family perspectives from England, Spain, and Sweden. Paper presented at the Roundtable: The Digital Landscape: Multimodal Narratives in the Early Childhood Landscape. Critical Perspectives on Early Childhood Education Special Interest Group. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto. 5-9 April 2019.

Bar-Lev, Y. (2019). Israeli Communication Association. Learning from Screen Media in Early Childhood: A Double-Edged Sword. Jerusalem, Israel. April 2019.

Two Day in the Life teams presented symposia at the Reconceptualising Early Childhood Literacies: an international conference in Manchester in March 2019. Catherine Ann Cameron chaired the symposium: A day in the life: developing innovative methodologies to research literacy, multimodality and resilience in diverse locations. Other contributors were Nora Didkowsky, Independent scholar; Anne Hunt, University of New Brunswick; Giuliana Pinto, Università degli Studi di Firenze; and Julia Gillen, Lancaster University.

Gillen, J. & Cameron, C.A. (2019) Transcription as a dynamic craft in the A day in the Life methodology: Insights into the development of understandings of citizenship in a five-year-old’s transition to school. Paper presented in the symposium: “A day in the life: developing innovative methodologies to research literacy, multimodality and resilience in diverse locations” chaired by C.A. Cameron at Reconceptualising Early Childhood Literacies: an international conference. Manchester. 7-8 March 2019.

At the same conference Julia Gillen chaired a symposium: A day in the digital lives of children aged 0-3: the tablet and TV. Other contributors were: Cristina Aliagas, Spain; Yehuda Bar-lev, Ben-Gurion University, Israel; Rosie Flewitt, University College London, UK; Ana Jorge, Catholic University of Portugal; Kristiina Kumpulainen, University of Helsinki, Finland; Jackie Marsh, University of Sheffield, UK; Mitsuko Matsumoto, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain; Raquel Pacheco, Portugal; David Poveda, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain (Discussant); Helena Sandberg, Lund University, Sweden; Heidi Sairanen, University of Helsinki, Finland; Fiona Scott, Sheffield University; Ulrika Sjöberg, Malmö University, Sweden; Ebba Sundin, Halmstad University, Sweden; Vitor Tomé , Portugal.

panel in front of audience

The Day in the Digital Lives of children aged 0-3 team in Manchester, March 2019

Gillen, J., (Chair) Aliagas, C., Bar Lev, Y., Flewitt, R., Jorge, A., Kumpulainen, K., Marsh, J., Matsumoto, M., Pacheco, R., Poveda, D., Sandberg, H., Sairanen, H., Scott, F., Sjöberg, U., Sundin, E. & Tomé, V., (2019) Symposium: A day in the digital lives of children aged 0-3: the tablet and TV: Working Group 1 symposium. Reconceptualising early childhood literacies: an international conference. Manchester. 7-8 March.

Bar-Lev, Y. (2018). World Association for Infant Mental Health. Development of infants and toddlers’ media usage in a digital environment. Jerusalem, Israel. December 2018.

Gerhardt, E., Richard, M., Hunt, A.K., Didkowsky, N., Cameron, E. L., Mascarena, A. & Cameron, C.A. (April, 2018). “When you laugh, the world is again beautiful”: The humour of thriving older adults.Poster at R3—Innovations in Ageing Conference. Fredericton, NB.

Heydon, R., Cameron, C. A., Cooper, E., Davies, E., & O’Neill, S. (November 2017). Making visible the literacy practices of elders with implications for literacy curricula across the lifespan. Paper presented to the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, Florida.

Caldas, R, Cameron, C.A., Stella, C., Baccheretti, S.F. & La Rosa, T. (July 2017). A ‘Day in the Life’ of a migrant child in transition to school: A Brazilian experience. Paper presented at 39thAnnual Conference of the International School Psychology Association, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.

Cameron, C.A., Kubiliene, N. & Hunt A.K. (April 2017). Filming a Day in the Life of thriving toddlers, kindergarteners, teens & older adults around the globe. Paper presented at Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, Texas.

Gillen, J., Sjöberg, U. & Sandberg, H. (2018) Studying portable media in young children’s lives: methodological and ethical challenges.  Paper presented in Panel E: Growing up with portable digital media: a comparative European study of 0-3 year olds. Pre-conference to ECREA 7th European Communication Conference: Children and Adolescents in a mobile media world. Università pubblica svizzera italiano, Lugano, Switzerland. 31 October.

Ribeiro, A. M., Stella, C., Hunt, A., Cameron, C. A. (October, 2016).  “Day In The Life”: Um dia na vida de crianças migrantes em transição para o ensino formal. Presentation at V Congresso Brasileiro IV Congressos Iberoamericano e Lusobrasileiro de Psicologia da Saúde. Florianópolis,              Brazil.

Cameron, C.A. & Kubiliene. N. (July 2016). Thriving during a Day in the Life of young children and older adults around the globe.  Poster workshop at 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Vilnius, Lithuania, 10 to 14 July, 2016.

Kubiliene, N. & Cameron, C.A. (July 2016). Before there were European settlers there were First Nations people in Canada. Poster to be presented at 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural development, Vilnius, Lithuania, 10 to 14 July, 2016.

Cameron, C.A., Hunt, A.K. & Jenkins, S. (July 2016). A thriving older Canadian woman’s identification of the sources of her wellbeing. Poster to be presented at 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Vilnius, Lithuania, 10 to 14 July, 2016.

Cameron, C.A. & Stella, C. (June, 2016) Day In The Life: Application of a research method in ecological context. Poster accepted for presentation at 6th International Conference on Community Psychology Durban, South Africa.

Cameron, C.A., Hunt, A.K. & Kubiliene, N.  (April 2016). A “Day in the Life” of participants around the globe and across the lifespan. Session to be presented at the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction at Couch Stone Symposium, Nanaimo, BC, April 21-23.

Ribeiro, A.M, Stella, C., Hunt, A.K & Cameron, C.A. (April 2016) “A Day in the Life” of Canadian and Brazilian children in transition to school. Poster presented at 2nd World Conference on Personality, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil March 31st to April 4th

4th International Visual Methods Conference, University of Brighton, UK, 16-18 September, 2015 .

Ann Cameron convened a symposium, Visualizing Daily Transactions Across the Lifespan & Around the Globe. Papers presented were as follows:

    • Hancock, N., Hancock, R., Hunt, A. Kubiliene, N. & Cameron, C.A. (2015) The significance of touch in the well being of four participants across the lifespan
    • Gillen, J. & Cameron, C.A. (2015) “Lots of beavers, beavers!” Deploying visual methods to study chronotopes involved in a Canadian kindergarten child’s engagements with “symbols of Canada”
    • Toselli, M. & Pinto, G. (2015) Imitation across multiple contexts in the everyday life of Italian first-graders
    • Salmi, S., & Kumpulainen, K. (2015) Visual narratives as methodological means for understanding children’s perspectives on their daily lives

Cameron, C.A., (June, 2014). Funds of knowledge in the transition from home to school during one day in the life of four Canadian kindergarten children. Symposium at Annual Meeting of Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC.

Kubiliene, N. & Cameron, C.A. (June, 2014). Critical analysis of the ‘day in the life’ methodology as applied with Canadian kindergarten children. Paper in Symposium, at Annual Meeting of Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC.

Dmytro, D., Shandik, S. & Cameron, C.A. (June, 2014). The role of leadership in examination of agency during a “day in the life” of thriving children in transition to kindergarten. Paper in Symposium, at Annual Meeting of Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC.

Phillips, L. & Monks, W. (June, 2014).  Windows on self-regulation: evidence from a ‘day in the life’ of children in transition. Paper in Symposium, at Annual Meeting of Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC.

Dmytro, D., Hunt, A. &  Cameron, C.A. (June, 2014). A door in the fence. Paper in Symposium, at Annual Meeting of Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC.

McFee, L., Heydon, R., Hunt, A., Phillips, L. & Cameron, C.A. (May 2014). A Day in the Life: An analysis of a methodology for understanding young culturally and linguistically diverse children’s transition to school. Paper presented at Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Guelph, ON.

Cameron, C.A., Hunt, A., Leger, P.-D. & Pinto, G. (April 2014) Emergent literacy during a ‘day in the life” in the transition to school. Poster presented at annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Cameron, C.A. (October 2013). Bridging transitions between home and school in the transition to school during a ‘Day in the Life’ of kindergarten children. Symposium introduction at Association for Moral Education annual meeting, Montreal PQ, Canada.

Dmytro, D., Kubiliene, N. & Cameron, C.A. (October 2013). Agentive and communitarian transaction in a thriving child’s transition to school.  In symposium at Association for Moral Education annual meeting, Montreal PQ, Canada.

Shandik, S., Hunt, A. & Cameron, C.A. (October 2013).  A “Day in the Life: Early childhood leadership at home and at school.  In symposium at Association for Moral Education at annual meeting, Montreal PQ, Canada.

Cameron, C.A., Dmytro, D., Kubiliene, N., Hunt, A.H. & Phillips, L. (June 2013). Uncontested pedagogies in the transition from home to school: A day in the life of two kindergarten children.  Paper presented at Annual meeting of Jean Piaget Society Chicago IL.

Cameron, C.A., Dmytro, D., Jogova, K., Kubliene, N. Pinto, G., & Tapanya, S. (June, 2013). Adolescent drawing toward resilience International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Los Angeles, CA.

Pinto, G., Cameron, C.A., Hancock, R. & Tapanya, S. (February 2013). Thriving toddlers and their attentive fathers and grandfathers around the globe during a Day in their Lives. World Conference on Educational Sciences. Rome, Italy

Phillips, L. Hunt, A. & Cameron, C.A., (October 2012). Enabling children’s voices: A day on the life of a kindergarten child. Interactive workshop at Wonder of Learning: The Hundred Languages of Children Conference, “Embracing Complexity in the Daily Life of the School: The Learning Process Through Observation, Interpretation, and Documentation. New Westminster, BC.

Cameron, C.A. & Phillips, L. (July 2012).  A ‘day in the life’ of immigrant five-year-olds in transition to school.  Paper at International Congress of Psychology. Cape Town, South Africa.

Cameron, C.A. (July 2012). Foundations of the Mmogo method:  Research design and analysis. Critical discussion of the papers in the symposium. International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa.

Pinto, G., Tapanya, S. & Cameron, C.A. (April 2012). Scaffolding drawing in youth resilience. Paper at American Educational Research Association, Vancouver Canada

Didkowsky, N., Cameron, E.L., & Cameron, C.A., (April 2012). The child’s play of adolescent clowning. American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, B.C.

Cameron, C.A., Gillen, J., Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B., Hancock, R. & Tapanya. S. (September 2011).  Domestic play during a Day in the Life of toddlers in diverse family contexts. Paper presented at International Society for Cultural and Activity Research. Rome.

Cameron, E.L., Hedman, L., Didkowsky, N., Tapanya, S. & Cameron, C.A. (July, 2011). “If everyone copies me Thailand will be so much better off”: The power of irony in youth conversation. Paper presented at International Visual Sociology Association Meeting, Vancouver BC.

Lau, C., Theron, L., & Cameron, C.A. (July 2011). Contributions of socio-emotional associations with family and community to youth resilience.  Paper presented at International Visual Sociology Association Meeting, Vancouver BC.

Cameron, E.L. & Cameron, C.A. (June 2011). Development of youthful humor in spontaneous conversation. Paper presented at Laughter and Humor in Interaction International Conference, Boston, MA.

Cameron, C.A., Phillips, L. & Araujo-Lawrence, M. (April 2011). The multimodality of children and youth: Methodologies should be multimodal too.  Paper presented at Child and Youth Care in Action III: Leading conversations in research, practice & policy.  University of Victoria.

Cameron, C.A., Phillips, L. & Araujo-Lawrence, M. (April 2011). The multimodality of children and youth: Methodologies should be multimodal too.  Paper presented at Child and Youth Care in Action III: Leading conversations in research, practice & policy.  University of Victoria.

Cameron, C.A., Phillips, L., Bouvier, J. & Donaldson, L. (March 2011).  Rallying resources for migrant minority youth. Roundtable discussion at Metropolis 2011, Vancouver BC.

Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B., Cameron, C.A., & Gillen, J. (September 2010). “A Day in the Life”: l’uso della videoregistrazione nella ricerca culturale. Paper presented in symposium, “La video ricerca nei contesti educitivi” at XXIIICongresso Nationale Della Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’educazione, Bressanone, IT.

Theron, L. & Cameron, C.A. (July 2010). Adaptations of the DITL methodology: From strong toddlers to resilient teenagers.  Paper presented at biennial meeting of International Society for Studies in Behavioural Development, Lusaka, Zambia.

Cameron, C.A., Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, & Hancock, R. (July 2010). Toddlers playing a head taller, during days in their lives. Paper presented at biennial meeting of International Society for Studies in Behavioural Development, Lusaka, Zambia.

Cameron, E.L. & Cameron, C.A. (July 2010). Toward a developmental model of humour. Paper presented at biennial meeting of International Society for Studies in Behavioural Development, Lusaka, Zambia.

Theron, L. & Cameron, C.A. (June 2010). Adapting methodologies for partnering in youth resilience. Paper presented at Pathways to Resilience II: Social Ecology of Resilience Conference. Halifax, NS.

Liebenberg, L., Didkowsky, N., & Ungar, M. (June 2010). Using visual methods to capture embedded processes of resilience for youth across cultures and contexts. Facilitated discussion presented at the Pathways to Resilience Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 7-11, 2010.

Cameron, C.A., Theron, L., & Tapanya, S. (June 2010): Cartooning our paths to resilience. Paper presented at Pathways to Resilience II: Social Ecology of Resilience Conference. Halifax, NS.

Gillen, J, Cameron, C.A., Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B., Young, S., & Hancock, R. (May 2010). “A Day in the Life: An international study of two-year-old girls and their families”. Paper presented at annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.

Cameron, E.L. & Cameron, C.A. (March 2010). Adolescents negotiating resilience during one day in their lives: A little bit of honey makes the pill to go down.  Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Society for Research on Adolescents. Philadelphia, PA.

Didkowsky, N. (March 2010). The relationship between youth contribution to community-wellbeing and resilience for young people in transition between cultures and contexts, Paper in symposium, ‘Adolescents’ Negotiating Resilience during one ‘Day in their Lives’ at Annual Meeting of Society for Research on Adolescents. Philadelphia, PA.

Theron, L, Cameron, C.A., Lau, C.,  Didkowsky, N., Mabitsela, M. (August 2009). A day in the lives of four resilient youth: An investigation of the cultural roots of resilience. Annual Meeting of Society of South African Psychologists. Capetown SA.

Cameron, C.A. (June 2009). ‘A Day in the life’:  Adapting visual methodologies to investigate daily lives of youths in diverse global locations. Paper in Symposium, Protective factors during a “Day in the Life” of resilient, relocated, adolescents in eight communities around the globe at Jean Piaget Society Annual Meetings, Park City, Utah.

Cameron, E.L. & Cameron, C.A. (June 2009). “I’d rather have a dog!”: Negotiating a  resilient “day” with humour. Paper in Symposium, Protective factors during a “Day in the Life” of resilient, relocated, adolescents in eight communities around the globe at Jean Piaget Society Annual Meetings, Park City, Utah.

Didkowsky, N. (June 2009). The impacts of using visual methodologies to engage youth in the research process. Discussion in symposium, Protective factors during a “Day in the Life” of resilient, relocated, adolescents in eight communities around the globe at Jean Piaget Society Annual Meetings, Park City, Utah.

Didkowsky, N., Liebenberg, L., & Ungar, M. (June 2009). The process of video-based methods: Reflections from the field. Paper presented at the 5th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champagne-Urbana, USA.

Cameron, E.L., Didkowsky, N. & Cameron, C.A. (May 2009). Humor enhances socio-emotional functioning in resilient adolescents in diverse contexts at Fifth International congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign IL.

Lau, C. & Cameron, C.A. (May 2009). Cross cultural and socio-cultural methodologies for examining the social development of children and youth. Paper at Human Early Learning Partnership Research Days. University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC.

Cameron, C.A., Lau, C., Tapanya, S., Didkowsky, N., Liedenberg, L., Ungar, M., & Theron, L. (February 2009). “Day in the life” of resilient adolescents in diverse communities around the globe. Paper presented at Human Early Learning Partnership-University of Victoria: Reach International Research Day, Victoria, BC.

Cameron, C.A. & Pinto, G. (September 2008) ‘A day in the life’: aspects of an ecological study of thriving two-year-old girls in diverse communities around the globe. Paper presented at Ecologies of Diversities: the developmental and historical interarticulation of human meditational forms: meeting of the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research, San Diego, USA. September 8-13.

Gillen, J. Accorti Gamannossi, B. & Hancock, R. (2008) ‘A day in the life’: relating understandings of ‘eating events’ to the concept of ‘literacy events’ as cultural activities in the lives of two-year-old girls in diverse global communities. Paper presented at Ecologies of Diversities: the developmental and historical interarticulation of human meditational forms: meeting of the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research, San Diego, USA. September 8-13.

Tapanya, S., Lau, C., & Cameron, C.A. (July, 2008). ‘Day in the life’ of resilient adolescents in eight diverse communities around the globe. Paper presented in Invited Symposium, M. Ungar, Chair, Pathways to resilience across cultures: Lessons from studies of positive development under adverse circumstances at International Congress of Psychology, Berlin Germany.

Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B. & Cameron, C.A. (July 2008). Emergent literacy in cultural perspective: Joint book reading activities in diverse communities. Poster presented at 20th Meting of International Society for Studies of Behavioural Development. Wuerzburg, Germany.

Cameron, C.A. (June, 2008). Ecological studies of a Day in the Life of resilient adolescents in eight locations around the globe. Research presentation at Meeting of the Human early Learning Partnership, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC.

Cameron, E.L., & Cameron, C.A. (May 2008) Let me show you a trick!”: Humor serves multiple social cognitive functions in toddlerhood. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience: the 37th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Amsterdam, 31 May – 2 June, 2007.

Julia Gillen and Ann Cameron convened a symposium, ‘A Day in the Life’:Studying strong children in diverse global communities: An ecological approach . Papers presented were as follows:

      • Hancock, R. and Gillen, J. (2007) Children at play in safe domestic spaces.
      • Cameron, L., Accorti Gamannossi, B., Gillen, J. and Cameron, C.A. (2007) Two-year-olds’ use of playful language and humour in three family contexts
      • Tapanya, S,. Ongan-Taley, A. & Cameron, C.A. Intergenerational transmission of harmony: Gentle strokes, and pats for the strong child.
      • Pinto, G. & Accorti Gamannossi, B. Children’s drawing activities in different cultures
      • Cameron, L., Accorti Gamannossi, B. Gillen, J. & Cameron, C.A. Two-year-olds’ use of playful language and humour in three family contexts.
      • Young, S. Small Musical Events in a Day in the Life.

We also organised a discussion session:How versatile is video data?: connecting methodology to theory in an international study of two-year-old girls.

Cameron, E. L., Kennedy, K., & Cameron, C.A. A toddler’s use of humor to explore, interpret, and negotiate her familial environment. Paper presented at the Third International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Champaign-Urbana, IL (May 2007).

Hancock, W.R. & Gillen, J. (2006) Safe places in domestic spaces: two-year-olds at play in their homes. British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, University of Warwick, 6 – 9 September, 2006.

Young, S. and Gillen, J. (2006) Technology assisted musical experiences in the everyday life of young children. Touched by Musical Discovery: disciplinary and cultural perspectives. ISME Early Childhood Music Education Commission Seminar Chinese Cultural University, Taipei. July 9-14.

Didkowsky, N., & Cameron, C.A. (2005). Cultural variations on theories of thriving: A day in the lives of five little girls and their families. Pathways to Resilience: An International Conference, Halifax, Canada, June 2005

Cameron, C.A. (2005). Converging methods for investigating youth resilience in diverse cultures. Pathways to Resilience: An International Conference, Halifax, Canada, June 2005.

Cameron, C.A., (June 2005). Multiple approaches to making meaning.  Paper presented at symposium convened by Constance Milbrath, Text and talk:  Quantitative reinterpretations of qualitative narrative analysis at Annual Meeting of Jean Piaget Society, Vancouver, Canada.

American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, April 11th-15th, 2005.

Julia Gillen convened an interactive research symposium, ‘A Day in the Life’: ecological investigation of learning in diverse communities with two-year-old girls. Papers presented were as follows:

      • Gillen, J., Cameron, C.A., Tapanya, S., Pinto, G., Hancock, W.R., Young, S. & Accorti Gamannossi, B. (2005) A ‘Day in the Life’: methodology
      • Tapanya, S. & Cameron, C.A. (2005) Swings and hammocks as secure bases during ‘A Day in the Life’ in diverse cultures
      • Gillen, J. & Hancock, W.R. (2005) Exploring ‘eating events’ in interactions between children and family members
      • Young, S., Gillen, J. & Cameron, C.A. (2005) Musical Experiences During a Day in the Life
      • Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B. & Cameron, C.A. (2005) The development of symbolic systems: a cultural perspective

Our discussant was Sylvie Normandeau, University of Montreal. Download the presentation: AERA 2005 (PDF).

International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Biennial Meeting, Ghent, Belgium, July 11th-15th, 2004.

Sombat Tapanya and Ann Cameron convened a poster symposium, ‘A Day in the Life’: Ecological investigation of an interactional construction of childhood in diverse communities).

Posters presented were as follows:

      • Tapanya, S., Didkowsky, N. & Cameron, C.A. (2004) Methodologies for studying healthy early childhood interactions in local context
      • Hancock, W.R. & Gillen, J. (2004) Eating, artefacts and the communication of values
      • Pinto, G. and Accorti Gamannossi, B. (2004) Emergent knowledge of notational systems in cultural perspective
      • Young, S., Didkowsky, N. & Gillen, J. (2004) Musicality in Early Childhood: flourishing of proclivities; forms of cultural organisation

The discussant was Sylvie Normandeau, of the University of Montreal, who became a valued critical friend to the project.

Gillen, J., Hancock, W.R., Accorti Gamannossi, B., Pinto, G., Tapanya, S., Didkowsky, N., Jackson, L. & Cameron, C.A. (2004) Social spaces of two-year-old girls: ‘a day in the life’. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychology Association, St Johns, Newfoundland. June 10-12.

Gillen, J. (2004) ‘A Day in the Life’: exploration of a new project methodology. Presentation at British Educational Research Association Early Years Special Interest Group seminar: Conceptualizing childhood (birth to eight years) substantive and methodological issues. University of Warwick. 27 May.

Gillen, J. (2004) A Day in the Life: introduction to project methodology. Invited research seminar at the School of Education, University of Exeter (22nd January).

Gillen, J. & Cameron, C.A. (2003) ‘A Day in the Life’: advancing a new methodology for cross-cultural research. Quality in Early Childhood Education – possible childhoods, possible choices, 13th Annual Conference of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. 3rd- 6th September, 2003.

Invited papers and workshops

Matsumoto, Mitsuko (29 November 2018). The strengths and challenges of ‘A day in the Life’ methodological approach: Based on Spanish and Portuguese data comparison. Catholic University of Portugal. See blog post with link to slides here.

Cameron, C.A. (July 2018). “’Once they were hats’, but now there’s lots of beavers.” Centre for Early Childhood Education and Research, Faculty of Education, UBC, Vancouver BC.

Gillen, J. & Cameron, C.A. (12 July 2016). Starting with a literacy event: beavers as symbols of Canada. Literacy Research Discussion Group, Lancaster University.

Cameron, C.A.  (January 2014). Capturing a Day in the Life (DITL) of Children in Transition to School.  Invited address to University of Florence Psychology Department, Florence, Italy.

Cameron, C.A.  (January 2014). Training for a Day in the Life (DITL) of Children in Transition to School.  Invited workshop to SISU meetings, Helsinki, Finland.

Kubiliene, N., Gouliquer, L., Hunt, A., Shandik, S. & Cameron, C.A. (October 2013). Lessons learned from a “Day in the Life” of a thriving older adult. Paper presented at 4th Conference of ESREA (European Society for the Research on the Education of Adults) Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults. Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Cameron, CA, Hunt, AK & Shandik, S. (February 2013) The Day in the Life (DITL) Methodology: Navigating where some might hesitate to venture! Workshop at Atlantic Centre for Qualitative Research & Analysis. Saint Thomas University, Fredericton NB.

Cameron, C.A. (July 2010).  Resilience matters. Invited day-long training workshop. North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, South Africa.

Cameron, C.A. (June 2010). International perspectives on early childhood research: A day in the life. Invited colloquium in Psychology.  Fredericton: UNB.

Didkowsky, N. (2009, December). The Negotiating Resilience Project. Presented at Capital Health Speaker Series.   Halifax, Nova Scotia

Cameron, C.A., & Lau, C. (June 2008). Passing it on: Nurturance during a Day in the Life (DITL) of refugee Mexican teenagers in Canada. Paper presented at Research Meeting of Healthy Early Learning Partnership.  Vancouver BC: University of British Columbia.

Cameron, C.A. (October 2007). Training Workshop on “Day in the Life” Methodology.  International Resilience Project, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS.

Cameron, E.L. & Cameron, C.A. (June 2007). ‘A Day in the Life’:  Studying strong children in diverse global communities: An ecological approach. Psychology Department Colloquium, University of Florence, Italy.

Cameron, C.A. Gillen, J. (2002) Ecological study of early development. Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Cameron C.A. & Gillen, J. (2002). Strategies for data analysis of ecological studies of ‘a day in the life’ of preschoolers in six cultures. Research Seminar at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.

Nora’s Doctoral Thesis

Didkowsky, N. (2016). A substantive theory of youth resilience in rural Nova Scotia (Doctoral dissertation). Available from the Dalhousie University Faculty of Graduate Studies Theses Collection: