Collaborate with an Engineering student to harness their skills and improve your performance
You can utilise the skills of a postgraduate student on a collaborative three-month scheme to help improve your business through application of technical knowledge in solving an R&D problem. For projects to be successful, this venture should be a collaboration, where a delegate from your business supervises the project from your side. This can help your company progress a product, process or service closer to market whilst benefitting from the skills of the individual, supported by the facilities of the university.
The students are enrolled on either one of two degrees. One is Engineering Project Management, which would typically output projects that have a blend of project management with engineering/manufacturing and is be expected to lead to a performance improvement for your business. Projects would ideally have an overarching aim to contribute to the development of new systems, processes or products. Work may include the collection, interpretation, calculation or presentation of technical data.
The second is Mechanical Engineering with Project Management. Projects produced by students on this course will have a stronger technical aspect and would ideally include a design-build-test element to them, which may also include greater use of mathematics and modelling. This may consist of carrying out mechanical design and development work on new products that have been conceived in-house or, where limited company resources have hampered progress to date.
The project will run from early-May to mid-August with discussion and arrangements ahead of this date. Although location is flexible, a combination of both campus work and site visits is usually a productive format. For more information or to express your interest in this opportunity, contact Programme Manager Chris Lambert before the deadline: 13th March 2018.
T: 01524 594 383