Call for Position Papers

This workshop will explore how current Sustainable HCI research foci might be extended to play a broader role in tackling global sustainability issues and supporting the societal change that this will require. It will encourage the asking of questions and discussions that support a broadening and scaling up of the SHCI research agenda, and a challenging of entrenched beliefs and perceived boundaries that we as researchers may hold. As part of this, it will create a forum for discussing approaches that break traditional HCI boundaries, that are perhaps more radical in nature, to highlight new exciting directions for the field.

In particular, the workshop will focus on the following questions:

  1. How does the scope of sustainable HCI research align with global sustainability challenges?
  2. What barriers are there to societal change, and how could HCI research support overcoming these?
  3. What ‘user’ communities can we work with and draw insight from?
  4. What different scales can we operate at within society, and how can we do this?
  5. What research discourses, paradigms and methodologies support sustainable HCI research, and which can encourage unsustainability?

We aim to produce a concrete mapping of Sustainable HCI research and sustainability goals, and a collective position statement that addresses these questions.

We invite 2-4 page submissions in CHI ACM Extended Abstract Format. Submissions will be selected that offer original, well-argued and insightful contributions with potential to generate interesting discussion at the workshop.

Please direct queries and submissions to Adrian Clear (

At least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop, and all participants must register for the workshop and at least one day of the ACM CHI 2015 conference.