See details of exciting January conference

Jo presents at Kings College London

On the 5th June Jo did a presentation at KCL entitled “Can NLP and corpus linguistics methods help us understand the genetic aetiology of complex traits?” It led to a great discussion with new ways the tool could be developed and applied.

LREC2018 paper final version

We recently presented our paper titled “Profiling Medical Journal Articles Using a Gene Ontology Semantic Tagger” as a poster at the 11th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018) on May 11th in Miyazaki, Japan. Authors Mahmoud El-HajPaul Rayson and Scott Piao celebrated with a poster selfie!! For full details, a link to the paper, code and our Gene Ontology Semantic Tagger (GOST), see the entry on Lancaster’s research portal.

Plenary talk at 1st International Conference on Corpus Analysis in Academic Discourse (CAAD)

On Thursday 23rd November, Paul gave a plenary talk at the 1st International Conference on Corpus Analysis in Academic Discourse (CAAD) describing our work on extending the UCREL semantic tagger to deal with concepts from the Gene Ontology and carry out a large scale comparison of PubMed abstracts. Paul’s talk title was “Don’t just look at the words: semantic annotation tools for the analysis of academic discourse”.

Poster presented at IGES 2017 International Genetic Epidemiology Society

This week Jo presented our first output, a poster at the IGES 2017 International Genetic Epidemiology Society meeting held at Queens’ College Cambridge, UK, from September 9-11. This showcased our work on “A Comparison Between Genetics Papers Relating to Immune Disorders and Psychiatric Disorders”. For more details, see the entry on the university research portal or at DOI: 10.1002/gepi.22062