10:38 BST on 26 September 2020: we are aware that last night (from around 1800 BST til 0100 BST) the AuroraWatch UK website was unavailable. Additionally, the AuroraWatch data was not being provided by our APIs and so any services relying on these (e.g. AuroraWatch UK apps) were not working as expected. This also resulted in our Telegram channel posting an alert level every 3 minutes or so. The Telegram spamming is linked to the outage: because the latest activity plot was not available, the Telegram bot thought the message task had not been completed and so kept attempting to send the message.
The website and API were running as normal from about 0100 on 27 September 2020.
We sincerely apologise for these issues. The reason for the outage is being investigated and the issue behind the Telegram spamming will be fixed ASAP.