New grant to study Wonder

A newly funded project, entitled Validation study of Wonder Chart and Wonder-full Education Questionnaire in British school children, will launch at the ALL in 2021. We will be studying how primary school children experience wonder in their learning process, and how teachers and school leaders understand the role of wonder in education settings and its effects on school climate and learning outcomes. This project is conducted in collaboration with Anders Schinkel and the Wonderful Education Project team and funded by the John Templeton Foundation. You can read more on the topic in the open source book, Wonder, education and human flourishing. which also includes our chapter:

Bazhydai, M., & Westermann, G. (2020). From curiosity, to wonder, to creativity: a cognitive developmental psychology perspective. In A. Schinkel (Ed.), Wonder, education, and human flourishing. VU University Press.

Spectrum of Teaching workshop

ALL members presented at the virtual interdisciplinary workshop, The Spectrum of Teaching in Humans and Other Animals, organized by the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in July 15-17, 2020. Marina presented a talk, Two-year-old children preferentially transmit simple actions but not pedagogically demonstrated actions, based on the recently published paper (you can watch the study’s the video abstract here). Didar presented a poster, Children’s Selectivity in Knowledge Transmission: Exploring the Roles of Knowledge Type and Group Membership.




BCCCD’20 symposium

Marina organised a symposium and presented at the 10th annual Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development BCCCD’20. The symposium was entitled Epistemic uncertainty: Implicit encoding and information seeking from infancy to preschool. You can watch the symposium’s recording here, which included Marina’s own presentation, Preverbal infants’ selectively use social referencing in response to referential uncertainty.