So I’m sat in my room surrounded by clothes and a packing list attempting to pack everything into my suitcase and it’s slowly hit me that I am actually going to the USA tomorrow. I applied for this trip back in January and now the times come for me to actually go! Second term has definitely flown by.


I’ve been to America once before, we drove down the East Coast to Florida and then stopped off on the way back in Washington, but I’ve never visited New York or Boston. New York has always been somewhere I’ve wanted to go, and after further research, I can’t wait to visit Boston as well! What’s good about going with the University is we’re getting to do things I wouldn’t have planned by myself and attend events organised by Lancaster University’s Students’ Union. For example, we have a whole day at Boston University so I’m excited to see what that involves as I love seeing other universities (mainly because I’m just extremely nosy…). I think we’re going to get a chance to see Harvard University too which should be good. I’ve also been looking at other things to do in our free time when we don’t have events planned and I’m very tempted to try and see the Boston Public Library – only 14 minute’s walk from where we’re staying!

As for New York there are a gazillion things I would love to do in our free time but I’ve tried to whittle it down, most of them are sights that are free so they should be fairly feasible. I want to try and fit in the following: Central Park, Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State Building, Grand Central Terminal, Rockefeller Centre and the New York Public Library, so we shall have to see how much I can do! As for our scheduled activities they include a tour around the UN. It is another one of those places that I always see on TV and when I return home it’s another place I can add to my “I’ve been there!” list, plus it’s political significance (or lack thereof) too!

In New York we’re also having a guest lecture which just happens to be from the seminar tutor I had in first year for Philosophy, so it’ll be fun to see him again! We have most of the evenings free in NY so I’m not sure how we’ll spend them but no doubt we’ll figure those kind of things when we get there. I want to do either the Rockefeller Centre or the Empire State Building on an evening anyway. Plus there has been mention of a pizza evening over in Brooklyn!

I don’t know too many people on the trip but there are quite a few fellow third years who I’ve had seminars with and things, plus two of my good friends are going. Even then, it’ll be nice to meet lots of new people from all the different years. From previous experience travelling, it doesn’t take long to make friends once people get chatting away, so here’s to hopefully making lots of new friends!

Anyway, I best return to packing, as the weather has been pretty bad over in Boston and New York with them having their worst winter for decades I’ve been packing plenty of layers and have my thick winter coat ready. I think there shall still be snow around, which I’m excited to see, even if those from Boston and New York are sick of it by now! I checked the news too and I think they got more snow fairly recently, so I just hope travelling there and around there works out okay. I’m sure it will!

Until next time! 🙂

Pre-departure, destination USA

Tomorrow I’ll be taking my first step on the American continent; a small (invisible) step for mankind, one big step for me. The trip goes under the name ‘Your Global Exploration’, and is arranged by Lancaster University Students’ Union at the beginning of the Easter vacation. I’ll be traveling with a group of other students from the Management School and the Departments of Politics, Philosophy and Religion, to Boston and New York, taking advantage of the contacts Lancaster University has to offer as a global university. Yes, it does not get much better than that.

I have never been presented with so many opportunities as I do here at Lancaster University. I remember being overwhelmed by this the first term, but at the same time I see how a great thing it is, that I get the chance to try basically anything I could dream of. This opportunity was one of those that just lit up. Straight away I knew; I needed to get on this trip. This is an amazing opportunity for me as a first year student, the chance to get real life insight and experience within my academic department to enhance my academic experience in the company of fellow students. I’m excited to experience the country, the people and the cultures(s) (food, shopping, and the list goes on). Even just going to a place like New York, which you so many times have seen on the screen, it seems unreal. It’s like when you meet a celebrity on the streets and you’re reminded that they live amongst us. Now I get to see and make up my own opinion about the city and all that comes with it.

I have been on a similar academic related trip before, to Brussels. I remember how inspired I was, how it fuelled me; gave me further insight into business life, international companies, and made me realise the importance of communication and connections (international network) across borders. The insight I gained back then also helped me with making decisions regarding my choice of future studies and carrier. This is what I expect this trip will do to, that it will let me peek into the world of business people and their businesses. I can already picture myself, all excited and bubbly after returning to Lancaster. (Hopefully the buzz will energize me through summer term revision and exams.) Before I’d think: yes, I might go to the US some time during my lifetime, but most likely no time in the near future. Mostly because of the expenses like the flight and the shortage in nulls displayed on my bank account, but the fact that the trip is sponsored (by Santander) changes the whole picture. It makes this an affordable trip, not forcing me to live on oats for the next year.thea 1

Packing and planning is to some extent a necessary phase to every trip. I started the day before; not my best idea so far. Because I leave straight from Lancaster Uni, there’s certain things that’s just gonna be more of a hassle than usual. Had I planned a bit more in advance the chances for a functioning luggage scale and money saved on a cabin bag, would probably been increased. Still the hassle is worth it. When the biggest downside is living in the unknown of how many kilos I can add to my suitcase on the way back from the US, without crossing the 23kg limit, I would say I’m doing all right. Note to self: start packing and planning before the day before. Same rule applies to coursework.

Very much looking forward to these next following days of my very own ‘Your Global Exploration’, and to share these with the group I’m traveling with.

United States of America; here I come!

The week before America

I’m off to America in three days and it has only just hit me. I would have thought that I would be the type of person who would get overly excited and refuse to sleep because of it. Yet in the past week I’ve barely given it a thought. The general buzz of university life and the unfinished work has taken preference so to be honest I’d barely given it a second thought. That was until my flatmate burst into my room asking me to buy him something whilst I’m there and then struck me, I’m off to America!

Today has been the first day that I’ve been overcome with excitement. America was in the back of my mind, it still felt so far away and I had so much to do, but as soon as all my work was done and the stress was out of the way my sights are well and truly set on the States. Ever since I can remember I’ve been utterly obsessed with America. Be it from its incredible history, the diversity of its people, or even its ‘questionable’ politics (as a politics student that’s what I am fascinated by), I’ve always loved learning about everything American.

I’m not quite sure what to expect in all honesty. You hear Americanisms all the time now that American TV is dominating British television but you never get the chance to experience it. For example, I’ve still got no idea what a corn dog is despite hearing about it constantly on American TV shows. I think this is what I’ll find most fascinating. Not the corn dogs, but just seeing everything in context. I’ll be able to see the famous buzz of New York with my own eyes and I’ll be able to taste the Boston seafood myself. I’ve always known about these things yet I’ve never experienced them, so instead of looking forward to new things I think I’m more excited about finally experiencing all that I know about.

I think going with the University will add something extra to the trip. You always see places in a different light depending on who you go with. Although the trip is meant to academic, I think the fact I’m travelling with so many students will certainly add something, but I’m still not sure what. I’ll have to wait and see but as of today I am certainly looking forward. Now excuse me whilst I get back to watching everything New York related on You Tube.