Projects and Events


The REJOICE Workshop, Joyful Identity Expression & Exploration as an Act of Resistance and a Digital Good, 10 July 2024

This workshop builds on the work of the Queer Joy as a Digital Good project, funded by ESRC’s Digital Good Network. The workshop is intended to bring together those with research interests in, and personal experiences of, the use of digital platforms as a tool for joyfully expressing and exploring aspects of one’s identity that exist outside and beyond normative structures of – inter alia – race and ethnicity, gender and sex, sexuality, and/or ability. 

In this workshop, we want to explore digital expressions of joy as a practice of resistance against real-world struggles for social and legal recognition, of the expression of identity and life unencumbered by normative standards of propriety and palatability, and of harnessing joy as an essential component of future technologies in a `good’ digital society.


Workshop on Gender, culture, identity, and well-being in the digital age workshop, Lancaster University, 2 – 3 May 2024

The 2-day workshop on Gender, culture, identity, and well-being in the digital age aims to provide an informal discussion forum to explore issues around children’s exposure to gender stereotypes, with a focus on digital materials. Through this, and other work, we are seeking to be build a cross-disciplinary (Education, Psychology, Design, and Computing) research network to address key issues in this area.  Each day will comprise a series of talks exploring themes, findings, critical questions in each participant’s subject area.

  • Elisa Rubegni, School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, UK
  • Kate Cain, Department of Psychology, Lancaster University, UK
  • Carolyn Jackson, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University, UK
  • Lucie Escasain, Department of Psychology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
  • Netta Livari, INTERACT research group, University of Oulu, Finland
  • Joseph Lindley, Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts,   University, UK
  • Alex Baines, School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, UK
  • Robin Gruia, School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, UK


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