Embracing Calgarian Culture

Firstly, please do not miss the famous wing night! Often one chicken wing costs only $0.35 on certain nights, on campus that will be Wednesday. This price is equivalent to about £0.15p and it is up to you to consume as many as you want! From teriyaki to salt and pepper, hot wings to BBQ wings the possibilities are endless! I always have wings after the gym to fix my protein cravings! YEAH! Let’s work out! Sorry, I am getting a little bit carried away here, a lot of Canadians are into being fit and healthy so I have kind of adopted this trend and regularly go to the gym on campus, which is free apart from a $25 residence charge at the start of the academic year.

Okay so me talking about hot wings is not the most interesting topic and yet again my blog has gone back to food, but now I am going to promote to you the wonderful game of hockey. I just wanted to say that I cannot believe how aggressive ice hockey is! Oh and please just call it hockey and not ice hockey because ice hockey is the only form of hockey that Canadians know. This was the first time that I have ever watched it and every time a player got slammed down into the ice, elbowed in the face or smashed into the side of the area all I could do was grit my teeth and go “oooooh!” However, I did get more into the game as it progressed and when there was a fight I joined in with the crowd and yelled in delight! I was just copying the crowd and trying to fit in. They are big guys and undoubtedly they can handle themselves. Anyway, it was a pre-season game and I watched the University of Calgary Dinos play the Calgary Flames (the city’s hockey team), unfortunately we lost 3-1 but it was an experience that I will never forget!

An image of Laura with a Candian mascot

Continuing on the sporting theme I also watched Calgary Stampeders play at the McMahon stadium one weekend. They were playing the Toronto Argonauts! We were losing badly during the first half but somehow the Stampeders managed to pull ahead in the last 5 minutes, ending the game on 40-33! I have never been so excited before, I did not think that I would like it, let alone understand the Canadian Football League but I have picked it up and now I am a little bit of an addict, I must admit. I still say football when I am on about the football leagues at home but I get reminded that it is called “soccer”, something I was not so happy to repeat. On the note of word differences, I must add that I sat in a restaurant and ordered chips the other day, I had a real craving for them! Instead I was surprised when the waitress brought me out crisps. The Canadians call chips fries and crisps are non-existent apparently, I need to say fries if I actually want chips next time, lesson learned.

Image of Laura in a cowboy hat

Okay so one last thing. Calgary is known for its chinooks, a warming wind known as the ‘ice-eater’ and varied weather patterns but the whole community was shocked by a particular event. During my second weekend in Canada I was enjoying the sunshine. I went river rafting on the Bow River and it was such a beautiful day. I was wearing my bikini and floating along the river with not a care in the world. The next day I looked out of my window and I was met by a mountain of snow outside. Now I am not a permanent snow hater but this sudden change in weather completely bewildered me! All that could be said for it by the locals was “Welcome to Calgary!” Thanks!

The City

Calgary is a great city to live in, even though the University of Calgary is bordering the city. You have to get the C-train, a light transit rail system, into downtown which takes around 15-20 minutes or there are regular bus services.

An image of the City of Calgary and bridge

The city itself is pretty cool, bordering the Bow River. There are plenty of scenic places to go jogging along the river or sunbathing during those hot days that you still get in September. The city is also very easy to navigate around, it is based on a grid system, with logical street names. If you ever get lost just look out for the Calgary Tower, trust me, you will not miss it.An image of Laura with a friend overlooking Calgary

There is plenty to do, with great night life, places to eat, sports venues, shops, cinemas and more! There is something for everyone! I would consider some of my highlights to date to be river rafting down the Bow River, eating up the Calgary Tower for my 20th birthday and going to the Saddledome to watch my first ever ice hockey game.

Halls of Residence

I love my halls of residence. You probably think that as I am in North America that I am having to share a room with another girl, but instead I live in a cute little apartment that I love and we each have our own rooms! I live with 3 other girls: Liv, Charley and Jessica. We are a right fruit-salad! Liv is from England like myself, but she laughs at how I pronounce ‘raspberries’ as my accent is “Northern” apparently although I am from the Midlands. Charley is from Holland and Jessica is from Ecuador. I love these girls to bits and I am so happy with my room mates, I could not ask for better ones to be honest! It is nice not to be with Canadians in a way because as we are all new to Calgary it gives us the perfect opportunity to go travelling together!

A picture of a student room

My life with my roommates consists of constantly drinking tea of all varieties (apart from PG Tips as I am awaiting for a much anticipated parcel from England to arrive) and cooking together like a communal household should do! We also like to party hard when we are not studying and hold weekly international Come Dine with Me sessions! The Brits are up next; the questions is Sunday roast or a classic mean and lean full English breakfast?

Oh and just to let you know Mum if you are reading, I am eating healthily whilst I am here and not living off fast food all of the time, I even made a salad the other day! You can avoid the fast food by making sure you live in self-catered accommodation, it is cheaper and you can easily walk or get a bus to Safeway or the Canadian Superstore for all of your groceries. It is about a 20 minute walk. Talking about the fast food though you must try Calgary’s famous chicken wings, covered in any sauce you could possibly imagine!

Image of a typical Calgarian dish

Okay so enough about where I am living and about food and cups of tea, I making myself hungry! I am guessing that you want to know more about the city that I am living in. Please see my next post!

30 Days, 4 Hours, 37 Minutes and 22 Seconds After Touch Down!

Hello there my fellow readers,

I bet that you have been worried about me! I am afraid that I have been away from my computer screen for too long! Phew… It feels so good to be writing my blog again, it is my pride and joy after all and I do like to keep you all updated! Anyhow, I bet that you have been wondering what I have been up to this past month? Well, I don’t really know where to start… I have had one hell of an amazing month, filled with ups and no downs (apart from when I got all emotional one night because I was missing English tea bags and roast dinners but that can be easily solved).

Since touching down, approximately 30 days ago my life has changed completely upside down and for the better. I have met so many amazing people and done so many wonderful things, I appreciate how lucky I am to be here every day! Just to let you know that I am currently sitting in a dark and dingy basement waiting for my washing to be done (it is not all fun and games), but this has given me the perfect opportunity to fill you in! So come on and step on into my new world and I will let you know about the basics – the halls of residents, the city, travelling opportunities and Calgarian culture.

A nightime image of the University of Calgary

The night of my arrival!


Waking up at 6.00am I suddenly jolted upright and realised that today was the day! I cannot believe how quick my summer has come and gone, it does not seem one minute since I was downing two pints of cider to celebrate my last exam! Suddenly, my Stepdad broke my trail of thought by yelling again but this time louder than before…

“Get up you cretin!”              

I sleepily rolled out of bed and hoped that jumping in the shower would wake me up! I cannot really describe to you how I felt at that moment when I first woke up; it was a mixture of nerves, apprehension and excitement that coursed through my veins. As hoped the shower woke me up so I was no longer a morning zombie that must be avoided at all costs! My morning involved throwing the final items into my case and praying that I was not over the 23kg luggage allowance.

When we got to the airport a woman asked me before checking in when I was intending on returning to England, I replied that I was never coming back! Not seeing the funny side she asked me what I meant and then I told her that I had not booked a return flight home and would be back sometime the following April! My Mum would be devastated if I did not come home haha! She seems to think that I will fall head over heels in love with a Canadian and never want to return but I will have to come back at some point anyway to take the rest of my wardrobe over to Canada with me! Oh, and to complete my degree.

Anyway, once I had checked in I bumped into my friend at the security gates, he was with his Mum and Dad. His Mum gripped me and told me that she felt like giving me a hug and it felt like she knew me already! I then turned to my own parents. My Stepdad was looking upset, his eyes were twinkling in the light, and I had never seen him tearful before! My Mum on the other hand was sniffling quietly, but I had expected that, I told her to bring a box of tissues with her so she was prepared for the waterfall of tears that would proceed as soon as I waved goodbye to her. I gave them each a kiss and a hug and I was surprised when my Stepdad gently slipped a letter into my hand that he told me to read later. I then let a few tears roll down my cheek and headed off through the security checkpoint with my friend in tow. I turned back and waved to them about 10 times, it felt like I was in a film such as Love Actually. Goodness I am going to miss them and I could not ask for more supportive parents! They are 100% behind me and the tears were a mixture of sadness but also happiness as I have achieved a dream and they are so proud of me!

I am currently sat on the plane right now! My friend and I have had some luck indeed! When I booked my tickets I selected my seats but I could not sit next to my friend as the seats next to him were reserved. When I asked an employee from Canadian Air if it was possible to sit next to my friend he was happy to print us out new boarding passes out. Much to my delight we have ended up sitting just behind the posh business class. We received a free pillow, blanket and have more than enough leg room that I appreciate as I have been told in the past that I have got giraffe legs. We are about half an hour into our journey long. A long, long journey. But I am pleased to confirm that my adventure has officially begun!

My Canadian Bucket List

1. Visit the Lake Louise area

An image of the Lake Louise area.

2. See the Calgary Flames

3. Go to a music festival (even blues)

4. Go to The Hop In Brew because I enjoy playing pool and a nice drink!

5. Visit Banff and Jasper

6. See a bear (but be far enough away so I don’t get eaten)

7. Go to Glacier National Park, one of the most beautiful mountain passes or so I’ve been told!

8. Go skiing or snowboarding down a bunny slope!

9. Hopefully work towards my degree and not get distracted by everything.

10. Meet some friends for life!

I hope that you enjoyed this special ‘one month to go’ installment of my experience as an outbound exchange student, it will luckily for you be the last post you’ll get before my journey really begins. Thanks for reading!

A Month Today – Outward Bound

Not Long Now! Time flies when you’re having fun… (or working hard in my case)

Since my last post not a lot has changed if I’m being honest! I didn’t want all of my blogowers (blog + followers) to get bored so this post is all about some facts and figures about my new home in Cowboy Country, also more commonly known as Calgary and what I’m really looking forward to doing whilst I’m on my year abroad!

But first, an introduction to my monster suitcase!

Image of a large blue suitcase

Can I just tell you how hard it is to be a girl sometimes… Well in fact girls have the short straw all of the time! I’m not going to state the obvious in why it’s such in a pain being a girl but with our feminine allure comes a multitude of problems, the main thing for me is PACKING LIGHT!!!

Packing light is completely unheard of in the female world! We need hairdryers, straighteners, hair products, special toiletries (too many to list), nice underwear, not to forget clothes, and I mean plenty and plenty of clothes! In just under a months time I’m faced with the impossible task of filling a suitcase to last me 9 months, but it can only weigh 24kg! ARGH #panic_stations

Okay, so scrap the hairdryer and umm maybe the straighteners but I love clothes and make-up and oh well, I shouldn’t be going on about this, studying abroad for a year is an absolutely fantastic opportunity so  packing ‘light’ is a minor issue, if even an issue at all. I’ll get super Mum on the job! Plus I’ve been super organised and made a list of what to and what not to pack. You can also buy things while you’re over there of course; bedding, pots and pans etc. I’ve heard that the University and Calgary even has items from previous study abroad students that you can help yourself too. SORTED!

Why Calgary is amazing and I haven’t even been yet!

My New Home

So as promised, after going off track again (the things that go on in my brain, I’m a rambler I tell you), I’m going to introduce you to my new home…

Formally Introducing the… THE UNIVERSITY Of CALGARY!

Image of the University of Calgary arches


Now I’ve been doing an awful lot of reading about my new home, my Stepdad has given me a ‘Discover Canada’ book which states that it’ll pick out the best bits of Canada. Hmmm… So I started reading the orange section in the book, the highlights of ‘Banff & the Canadian Rockies’. It was so full of praise for the area, describing it as home to Canada’s most dramatic panoramas and the landscape that hiking was invented for. So I moved on from Banff, to Jasper, to the area of Lake Louise, hitting Edmonton and then I got on to Calgary…

I quote the book:

‘Livable but sometimes characterless, prosperous but economically precarious, super-modern but not always pretty.’

Oh and then…

‘Calgary isn’t a place that any unbiased out-of-towner is likely to fall in love with.’


I slammed the book shut and thought to myself that I wasn’t having it! So I’ve devised a Calgary specific bucket list and 5 facts on why Calgary is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (this is before I’ve even been)!

Why Calgary is Amazing!

No 1. It’s cowboy country! What isn’t to like?! Men wandering around in cowboy hats, checkered shirts and yelling yee-haw, I’m sold! But seriously, Calgary is home to the world-famous Calgary Stampede, held in the second week of July (so I’ve missed it). The stampede features live music and supports a rowdy party atmosphere and don’t forget the rodeo!

Image of the calgary stampede rodeo

No 2. Calgary’s music scene! Calgary boasts an impressive music scene from genres of rock, indie, country, punk to alternative! As a massive indie fan, I’m excited to explore and immerse myself into Calgary’s music culture. I’m especially looking forward to visiting the Broken City where gigs are usually held of a Thursday and Friday night. Calgary also holds countless music festivals such as the Calgary Jazz Festival and the Calgary International Reggae Festival, yeahh man!

No 3.  It isn’t pretty (according to the book)!? Well I’ve never been so I wouldn’t know but Calgary is also known as the gateway to the Canadian Rockies. It is the most likely access for both Banff and Jasper (what the tourists would call the pretty places), so even though I’m in a modern city, hey, I won’t be eaten by a brown bear and I can easily enough do some travelling during my stay. Check out my bucket list for more details! I’m sure Calgary will have buckets of its own unique charm anyway.

A cityscape image of Calgary with snow covered rockies in the distance

No 4. Introducing the Calgary Flames, a professional hockey team! Founded in 1972 the Calgary Flames have claimed 5 division championships (this is all from Wikipedia by the way)! I’m actually incredibly excited to see my first ever ice hockey game! Plus the players are huge, I know that there shoulder pads contribute a little bit but phoaw, I’m going to have to learn how to figure skate to get their attention!

No 5. Last but not least Calgary is already amazing to me prior to my visit because it’s going to be my home for over 8 months. I’m so excited and confident that I’ll absolutely love it due to already experiencing Canadian culture that there won’t be a problem for me and I’ll fall in love with the city! With the rockies on my doorstep, what isn’t to love!? I’ve also been told by a friend that during her study abroad last year she visited Lake Louise whilst it was frozen over and they hold an ice sculpture fair on the lake, how awesome is that!?

Hello Paperwork

“Okay, so I’ve got the thumbs up to study abroad, now what?!”

The feeling of excitement, ecstasy and disbelief that coursed through my veins when I was first told that I’d be going abroad for my 2nd year of university has been replaced by an overwhelming sense of panic!


I can’t describe it really! It’s like I’ve hit a brick wall! I’ve been ragging on at 100mph since the start of university and now exams are over, holidays are over, and all seems quiet in the Bingham household! I don’t think that it’s quite sunk in yet, the fact that I’m going across the pond to begin a new chapter of my life, (well it isn’t really a pond, more like 3,612.61 miles across the Atlantic Ocean and to the Western side of Canada!)

Map of North America and Europe

Don’t get me wrong, YES I’m excited beyond belief, when I found out that I was going I started hugging everyone like a I was some sort of possessed life-size teddybear! However, I’m a tiny bit scared too! I will be away from the new amazing friends that I’ve met during my first year at Lancaster University. The family will also be missed, especially my furry feline friend Kitty. This time there isn’t any popping home on the train, which previously took about 2 hours, in order to escape my boy troubles at university or to hide from my upcoming exams! I’m just going to have to be mature and manage my entire life, practically on my own, in a foreign country may I add! I think that I can do that…

Anyway I’ve formulated a cunning action plan! Yesterday I purchased a notebook and decorated it solely for my year abroad.

image of a decorated notebook for Canada

This notebook is my plan in being super organised! I will not forget to book holiday insurance, book my flights or even to leave my passport within my underwear draw and realise this when I’m at the airport! No, this little book is my lifeline so I better not misplace it!

Now with all that said I better share with you my recent attempt at getting organised and putting everything in place for my year abroad.

Tah-Dah flights are booked

Phil, the guy that I’m going to Canada with whose also from Lancaster University, will happily tell you how much of a pain that I’m being at this current moment in time!

I’ve constantly been pestering him about the best flight deals or where to go for my insurance, when I could easily access this knowledge from the mighty search engine known as ‘Google’! However, Phil seems to have his head screwed on! That man has it sussed! I could do it on my own but I like the comfort of checking things through with Phil, after all it’s a learning experience for the both of us!

Anyway, I’m happy to confirm that my flights are now officially BOOKED! Yippie!

Image of the outside view from an aeroplane aeroplane

We fly from Manchester airport on the 30th August 2014! Which is only 6 weeks away, eeeeeck!

Unfortunately I’m sat on my own during the first journey from Manchester to Toronto, hopefully no one will fall asleep and decide to have a snooze on my shoulder.

However, there’s some good news! I’m sitting next to Phil during our 2nd flight from Toronto to Calgary on the air bus. Annoyingly, he’s nabbed the window seat though so I hope that he knows that I’ll be leaning across him with my binoculars and marvelling at the extraordinary views!

So all that’s left to sort now is doing some online shopping! I need some skiing gear! I’m hoping to battle down the bunny slops whilst I’m in Canada.

So that’s it from me now until I go (or something else interesting happens to me involving my year abroad)

Au revoir,

Laura xxx