“Wellbeing and Blue Spaces: Using creative methods to explore connections to blue spaces and build resilience“. Teaching resource developed in the context of the “Resources for our bay: place, sustainability, environment and hope”, Morecambe Bay Curriculum, June 2024, and building on the SeaSights project.
“Ocean Justice – towards a diverse and inclusive marine and coastal sector“. Blogpost by Senia Febrica about Dr Celine Germond-Duret’s participating in a Webinar on ocean justice organised by Ocean and Coastal Futures, November 2024.
Youtube link to the Ocean and Coastal Futures webinar on Ocean Justice, November 2024.
“Investigating sense of place in the coastal zone:A survey/photovoice comparison using Morecambe as a case study“. Funding report to the Manchester Geographical Society. Pilot project conducted in 2022.