Measuring Academic Impact: What you need to know as a researcher

As current or emerging researchers, you may be interested in the upcoming workshop ‘Measuring Academic Impact: What you need to know as a researcher’ which is scheduled for Wednesday 8th August, 3-5pm.

This course will introduce you to:

  • Relevant metrics that show you how much attention your research outputs get
  • What journal metrics are widely used and how they can be helpful
  • Tools you can use to monitor your metrics
  • Tips and tricks that help you to increase your citation profile

By the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Compare some of the most used research impact metrics
  • Select metrics that are of value to your research
  • Explain the limitations of research metrics

To book your place please click here.


This event is being run by Lancaster University Library, and whilst the RSA is not involved, we think it might be of interest to researchers here!