2020 Annual Meeting goes virtual

The RECIRCULATE 2020 Annual meeting, originally scheduled to be hosted by the University of Benin, Nigeria, was conducted as a series of online events due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. Each of the RECIRCULATE research workpackage teams and the project administrative team produced recorded updates detailing activity in the last 12 months. The ACTUATE project also provided a set of recordings and an update on a study of the eco-innovation policy landscape was delivered by Dr Nicholas Ozor, the Executive Director of the African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS).
From 22nd to 28th September over 60 delegates participated in interactive sessions, beginning with questions and answers on each of the recorded updates, followed by workshops on training requirements, communication coordination, impact and legacy planning.
Online sessions were hosted through Zoom, featuring breakout rooms and were augmented through the use of Google Jamboards and Mentimeter polling.