Professor of Linguistics and Cognitive Science

Author: Patrick Rebuschat (Page 6 of 8)

Venham ao almoço-convívio PARSUK em Manchester

A PARSUK, Portuguese Association of Researchers and Students in the United Kingdom, irá dinamizar no próximo dia 18 de Fevereiro (Sábado) um almoço social em Manchester.

O almoço terá lugar no restaurante Bem Brasil Deansgate, King Street West, Manchester M3 2GQ, pelas 13h00.

O custo do evento será de 16.50£.

A data limite para inscrição e pagamento é 16 de Fevereiro.

Procedimento para inscrição e pagamento:

  1. Reservar um bilhete no EventBrite;
  2. Pagamento de 16.50£ por transferência bancária para a seguinte conta:
  • Sort code 54-21-23
  • Account number 24671606

Será necessário enviar o comprovativo de transferência, até 48 horas após o registo, por email para, com o assunto: “Pagamento almoço Manchester – [Nome do participante]”.

O evento irá reunir diferentes gerações de estudantes e investigadores portugueses nas regiões de North West e Northern & Yorkshire. Num ambiente descontraído, terás a oportunidade de conhecer e conversar informalmente com estudantes e investigadores de diferentes áreas e experiências.

Vem conhecer a grande cidade de Manchester e conviver em bom português! Esperamos por ti!


Patrick Rebuschat – Embaixador PARSUK North West 16/17 –

Pedro Lopes – Embaixador PARSUK Northern & Yorkshire 16/17 –

Discussing Brexit with Portuguese Secretaries of State

Interesting day spent at the Portuguese Consulate in Manchester last Sunday. Six members of the Portuguese government, led by José Luis Carneiro (Secretary of State for the Communities), came to the UK to discuss a range of topics with the Portuguese immigrant community. Topics during the six-hour session included Brexit and its impact on EU citizens residing in the UK. Greatly appreciated this governmental initiative and the supportive and encouraging discussions.

In addition to the Portuguese Ambassador, Manuel Lobo Antunes, and the Consul General, Carlos Sousa Amaro, the following members of government participated:

Articles on this initiative: Portuguese government press release 1, press release 2, José Luis Carneiro outlining priorities related to the Portuguese diaspora. Brief piece in PÚBLICO. Two pictures, courtesy of the Portuguese Embassy in London.

Lancashire delegation attending PARSUK workshop in Sheffield

Really enjoyed taking a Lancashire delegation to Sheffield in my capacity as PARSUK Ambassador for the Northwest of England. A group of staff and students from Lancaster University and the University of Central Lancashire attended yesterday’s excellent PARSUK workshop on “PortUKal: Viver com um pé em cada lado”. The workshop was organized by Pedro Lopes (PARSUK Ambassador Northeast) and featured very interesting contributions by Gabriel Bernardo (University of Sheffield), Mariana Kaiseler (Leeds Beckett University) and Sofia Martinho (Camões Institute, University of Leeds). For more information, please visit the event website.


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Materials from today’s study-abroad session

Wonderful turn-out at today’s LAEL study-abroad information session! Great to see C89 packed with students wanting to study abroad next year. Thanks to Jane Atkinson (International Office), Julia Devaux (LUSU Global Explorations) and Ellie Berry (UG student) for agreeing to speak at our event as well.

Having attended today’s session, this is what you need to do next:

1. Attend “Outgoing Study Abroad Briefing” (organized by the International Office). Pick one of these sessions:

  • Wednesday, November 9th, 1pm, Elizabeth Livingston LT
  • Wednesday, November 9th, 5pm, LEC LT1
  • Friday, November 11th, 1pm, LUMS LT1

2. Submit online application with your preferred host universities to the International Office by January 3, 2017.

3. Department will tell you where you are allocated to study in January 2017.

4. Attend the LAEL study-abroad session in March for outgoing students. During this session, we will match your modules (home-host institution) and deal with things like accommodation abroad.

As promised, today’s materials can be downloaded here:


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