Wonderful turn-out at today’s LAEL study-abroad information session! Great to see C89 packed with students wanting to study abroad next year. Thanks to Jane Atkinson (International Office), Julia Devaux (LUSU Global Explorations) and Ellie Berry (UG student) for agreeing to speak at our event as well.
Having attended today’s session, this is what you need to do next:
1. Attend “Outgoing Study Abroad Briefing” (organized by the International Office). Pick one of these sessions:
- Wednesday, November 9th, 1pm, Elizabeth Livingston LT
- Wednesday, November 9th, 5pm, LEC LT1
- Friday, November 11th, 1pm, LUMS LT1
2. Submit online application with your preferred host universities to the International Office by January 3, 2017.
3. Department will tell you where you are allocated to study in January 2017.
4. Attend the LAEL study-abroad session in March for outgoing students. During this session, we will match your modules (home-host institution) and deal with things like accommodation abroad.
As promised, today’s materials can be downloaded here: