Professor Nick Ostle
Dr. Carly Stevens
Carly’s research is concerned with understanding how global change impacts on plants ecology and soil biogeochemistry and ecology. She has a particular interest in impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition.
Dr. Emma Sayer
Emma is interested in what makes ecosystems tick. Her research looks at how connections between above- and belowground processes influence ecosystem carbon and nutrient dynamics. She is happiest when working in forests.
Dr. Alona Armstrong
Alona researches the terrestrial carbon cycle, sitting at the interface of ecology, hydrology and biogeochemistry. Currently, part of her research focuses on how land use change for energy impacts ecosystem processes and service provision.
Dr. Rob Mills
Rob is an experimental ecosystem ecologist with a major focus on using C isotopes to explore the cycling of soil C across timescales of hours to millennia. Although he work in a range of ecosystems, his main emphasis is on mountain systems, with a particular interest in winter ecology and role of changing snow cover on ecosystem processes
Dr. Annette Ryan
As a researcher Annette studied World War II bomber contrails, the impact of drought on the biogenic emission of isoprene and the water use efficiency of crops. She now manages the soils and ecosystem ecology lab and is responsible for lab safety and soil licenses.
Dr. Laetitia Brechet
Laetitia is a tropical forest ecologist with a research focus on soil carbon cycle and tree-soil relationships and biological processes within ecosystems, their spatial and temporal variations, and their linkage to forest ecosystem functioning. She is currently working in Panama.
Dr. Luis Lopez-Sangil
Luis is working on soil C cycling in forest ecosystems, focused on the effects that both ‘priming’ (from increased litter inputs) and drying-rewetting events may have on it.
Dr. Kate Buckeridge
Kate is a soil and ecosystem ecologist, interested in how global change alters soil microbial communities and biogeochemical cycles. Her focus at LEC is investigating how grassland management impacts microbes and their process rates.
Dr. Alfonso Lag-Brotons
Alfonso is interested in soil protection, waste management and bio-energy production, oriented towards the achievement of sustainable agro-systems. He is participating in a NERC RRfW project funded research to develop sustainable fertilisers from bio-energy waste streams (anaerobic digestate and ash).
Dr. Richard Randle-Boggis
Richard’s current research focuses on creating a toolkit to quantify the impacts of solar parks on ecosystem services, providing a platform for renewable energy developers to make informed planning decisions. Previous research includes investigating the impacts of flooding on microbial ecosystems and GHG fluxes.