
It’s a wrap

It has been a pleasure to share our enthusiasm for service design in education with you. We hope you have seen a value of framing degree programmes as service, as preparing an experience that is helpful, mindful, challenging but attainable. The designer mindset you have developed through this workbook is based on the key service design principles outlined by Mark Stickdorn mentioned at the start of the workbook:

Service design is:

1. User-centred – it focuses on the people who are at the receiving end of the service, in our case students, their families and friends
2. Co-creative – we have seen great benefits in collaboration with our colleagues and our students
3. Sequencing – we have seen how events in the programme journey connect to each other
4. Evidencing – we have been able to relate to tangible evidence in our programme delivery such as programme handbooks or websites that create expectations of the experience
5. Holistic – we have been able to see the programme as a full life experience impacted by study as well as life events

Let’s take a moment to record our last reflections and revisit our power of 3:

Which principle has been the most challenging for you?

Which principle has resonated most with you?

What would you add to this list of principles?