
Equitable Urban Futures in Areas of Transition - Dr Carlos López Gálviz

TEA talk on YouTube from the School of Architecture of Lancaster University

Call for papers conference: Gridding Equitable Urban Futures in Areas of Transition

In what ways should we rethink the relationship between socio-technical transitions and the making of more equitable urban futures? What capacities, requirements and imaginaries do communities have in contexts of informality; contexts that are often perceived as marginal, precarious, and incomplete? How should we contextualise policies bent on targets, notably decarbonising and net zero energy, so that the knowledge, creativity, resilience, and regenerative resourcefulness of citizens are integrated into visions of just, equitable futures for the specific places which they call their home? Join us in Lancaster (September 21-22 2023) for this interdisciplinary conference to explore critically and creatively these and related questions.

The PopuLab - improving the quality of life for people in ‘popular neighbourhoods’

Article published in the news section of the Lancaster University

This is the laboratory of popular neighborhoods

Article published in Spanish in the platform

The academy comes to the neighborhood with the 'PopuLab'.

Article published in Spanish in the Universidad del Valle website

PopuLab's launch was spectacular!

Article published in Spanish in the website of the Cali City Council.

Cali has its first laboratory of popular neighborhoods

Article published in Spanish in El Tiempo newspaper