Examines the ways in which gendered language use changes in the process of translation from English to dubbed Arabic in Disney’s Frozen. It compares transcripts from the dubbed Arabic version and the English version of the film, specifically focusing on differences in lexicalisation, metaphor, social actors and modality. The study shows how gendered language use … Continue reading Bazzi (2022) Dubbing feminist discourse in Disney films for Arab audiences
Tag: translation of Anglo-American animation
González Vera (2012) The translation of linguistic stereotypes in animated films
Investigates the Spanish and English translations of Dreamworks’ animated films Shrek and Shark Tale, examining the ways in which the Spanish translation of the films further enforces or rejects stereotypical gendered language, when compared to the original English version. Qualitative analysis focusing on chosen salient examples from the script with an in-depth critical linguistic analysis. … Continue reading González Vera (2012) The translation of linguistic stereotypes in animated films
Herendeen (2023) Being non-binary on Japanese Disney Channel: An analysis of the gendered language used in ‘The Owl House’
Examines the English dialogue of a non-binary character from Disney's ‘The Owl House’ in comparison to the show’s Japanese dub, analysing what linguistic features are used to index their identity. There is an extensive overview of Japanese attitudes towards queerness. The thesis goes into detail about gendered language features in Japanese - such as pronouns, … Continue reading Herendeen (2023) Being non-binary on Japanese Disney Channel: An analysis of the gendered language used in ‘The Owl House’