Takes an intersectional approach through content analysis of three Disney princess films from 2009-2016 featuring female leads of different races. Examines stereotypical women’s language forms (specifically empty adjectives, super polite forms and interruptions) seen in cross-sex interactions between female leads and male characters. Examples from scripts are provided. Results also consider the racial differences between characters and whether this influences stereotypical female language forms. This paper would be useful for those interested in the relationship between race and stereotypical female language forms as well as cross-sex interactions between male and female characters.
El Chami (2020) Gender and race representation in Disney
El Chami, M. (2020). Gender and race representation in Disney: A study on stereotypical women’s language forms in racially diverse third era Disney films [Master’s thesis, Utrecht University]. Utrecht University Student Theses Repository. https://tinyurl.com/27xth3nw