Explores conventions of the “Magical Girl” and “Good Witch” tropes within the Shojo/Shoujo genre. Covers older representations of heteronormativity, gender conformity and nonconformity in the 90s, analysing a variety of animes from this genre. Focuses on the demonization of “butchness” and lesbianism as well as the sexualization of adolescent protagonists, through semantic and pragmatic analysis. This thesis would be useful for those interested in representations of lesbianism, gender non-conformity and trans-masculinity in shoujo, as well as the male gaze present in the sexualization of the genre.
Campanelli, C. (2019). Gender Nonconformity and Lesbianism in the Magical Girl Genre. Retrieved from https://soar.suny.edu/handle/20.500.12648/13233