IVG Ethics and Policy Network

An international network exploring the ethical, regulatory and  policy challenges raised by in vitro gametogenesis (IVG).


To bring together a diverse, international network of experts to support informed policy discussion about the issues raised by IVG.


IVG Symposium Group

Our blog summarises the discussion from our recent IVG Ethics and Policy Symposium in six key takeaways.

In collaboration with the Nuffield Council on Bioethics we delivered a workshop to explore IVG in the UK context.


Representatives in our network come from European bioethics commissions and committees; academics with ethical, legal and regulatory expertise; the CEO of a US-based IVG biotech start-up; and scientists working on IVG in Japan, the Netherlands and the US.

Image Galleries

Live Scribe Art from the Symposium

Live Scribe Art from the Briefing Workshop

Logos from Lancaster University, Wellcome and the University of Sheffield.

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