Application Advice
Navigating the Curveballs: How to Handle Oddball Interview Questions

Navigating the Curveballs: How to Handle Oddball Interview Questions

While quirky interview questions might seem like a myth, they’re surprisingly common in interviews around the world. These unconventional questions, such as “What ice cream flavour would you be and why?” are often used to assess your creative thinking and ability to handle pressure.

Fortunately, there’s rarely a single “correct” answer. Here’s how to tackle some of the most unusual interview questions and what they might be trying to uncover:

Personality-Based Questions

  • “If you were 80 years old, what would you tell your children?”
  • “You’re a new addition to the crayon box; what colour would you be and why?”
  • “If you could sing one song on Britain’s got Talent, what would it be?”

These questions aim to reveal insights about your personality and self-awareness. To answer effectively, reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and personal traits. Tailor your response to align with the company’s values and culture, but be genuine—don’t just tell them what you think they want to hear.

Logic and Reasoning-Based Questions

  • “How does the internet work?”
  • “Why is a tennis ball fuzzy?”
  • “How many pies are eaten in Wigan each year?”
  • “Describe the process and benefits of wearing a seatbelt.”

These questions test your problem-solving skills rather than specific knowledge. Focus on how you approach the problem, break it down, and reason through your answer. For instance, if asked about pie consumption, you can estimate based on household data and average consumption. Familiarising yourself with some basic statistics and demographics can be helpful preparation.

Creative Thinking Questions

  • “How lucky are you and why?”
  • “Do you believe in Bigfoot?”
  • “What’s the colour of money?”

These “wacky” questions are designed to gauge your creativity and how you handle the unexpected. There’s no right answer here—show that you can think outside the box and remain composed. Embrace the playful nature of these questions and let your imagination shine.


Whatever unconventional question comes your way, remember to stay calm and approach it with a positive, open-minded attitude. Show that you can think on your feet and adapt to unexpected challenges. By handling these curveballs with confidence and creativity, you’ll demonstrate your ability to thrive in a dynamic work environment.