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Predicting climate change effects on Anolis lizards using physiological models and ecological traits

This project will evaluate how incorporating interspecific ecological interactions into species distribution models affects predictions of species’ responses to climate change. Although ecological theory has long predicted that antagonistic interactions among species can limit species distributions, projections of how species will respond to climate change have generally focused solely on climatic factors. This project will link functional traits that influence microhabitat partitioning with physiological models to predict how climate change will reorganize Anolis lizard biogeography on Caribbean islands.

The successful applicant will work with a collaborative team of ecologists and climate modelers from the University of Nottingham, the Australian National University, and the Museum of Comparative Zoology (Harvard University). The project will involve mathematical modeling, museum collection work, and field work in the Caribbean.

Applicants must have grounding either in biogeography/ecology/physiology or mathematics/statistics. In either case, the applicant must be excited to learn about the other area of expertise. Lastly, programming (in any language), ecological field experience, Spanish language skills, and herpetological expertise are assets, but an enthusiasm for nature and the evolution and diversity of living things are by far the most important requirements.

Eligibility: Applicants should hold a minimum of a UK Honours Degree at 2.1 level (or equivalent) in subjects such as Biology, Ecology, Geography, Natural Sciences, or Mathematics/Statistics. We expect the most competitive applicants will have a Master’s qualification or substantial practical experience.

For further details please contact Dr. Adam Algar at